Halloween Demo! 31st October 4pm at EDO

Every year the victims of the components made at the EDO MBM factory rise from the grave and lurch toward the Brighton arms manufacturer in search of revenge and living flesh…
We will be demonstrating again on 31st October, 4-6pm, at the EDO arms factory, Home Farm Road, Brighton. Dress in Halloween costume and bring some noise (musical instruments, pots, pans)!
Millions are killed every year in military conflict, from the more-than-a-decade occupation of Afghanistan, which has brought nothing but death and turmoil to the people of the country, to the Israeli state occupation and apartheid against the people of Palestine to the US’s covert drone attacks in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Military companies are benefiting from these bloody conflicts while the net result of all this is to maintain the current status quo — global domination by a handful of capitalist states.
Join us.