Stop the War on Syria – Stop the Arms Fair – Demonstrate 4pm Tues 3rd September

DEMONSTRATE Tues 3rd September – 4-6pm, EDO Arms Factory, Home Farm Rd, Brighton

Resist the attack on Syria

No to imperialist wars and the companies that profit from them

Stop the arms fair

On the morning of Friday 30th September the House of Commons vote for war with Syria was defeated in parliament. However, the US and France are
still talking about taking military action. An attack will have disastrous
consequences for the people of Syria and beyond. Some of the weapons used by both the US and France if they do launch an attack will, most likely,
be supplied by the EDO factory in Brighton as EDO holds export licenses to
both countries.

From September 9th the world’s largest arms fair will be taking place in
London. Representatives of EDO will be peddling their wares to dictators
and despots from all over the world.

Come and show your anger outside the EDO factory. Bring pots and pans to make yourself heard. The best way to support the struggles for freedom
from oppression and imperialism being waged globally is to target those
who supply the means of oppression.

Smash /