
The following are links to related campaigns and information sources:

Local Anti-Militarist Campaigns:

Shut Down Heckler and Koch – Nottingham based campaign to shut down the H and K gun factory

Disarm DSEi – The campaign to stop Europe’s largest arms fair being held in London

Edinburgh Anti Militarists – Campaign set up to resist the NATO parliamentary assembly in Edinburgh

Smash Raytheon – Campaign against Raytheon in Bristol

Decommissioners – The decommisioners are six people who broke into EDO MBM on 17th january 2009 and smashed up to £500 000 worth of machinery in an attempt to prevent the equipment being used to commit war crimes by the Israeli military

Brighton and Hove Stop the War – Local branch of the Stop the War coalition

Sussex Action for Peace – SAFP is now defunct . Here’s an Archive of SAFP’s old site with some interesting history.

Brighton Against Guantanomo – The campaign to close Guantanomo bay

National Groups:

Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) is a high profile UK-based pressure group calling for the end of the global arms trade. This site has lots of statistical resourses and useful information.

The Stop the War Coalition was formed on September 21st, 2001 at a public meeting of over 2,000 people in London. The aim of the Coalition should be very simple: to stop the war currently declared by the United States and its allies against ‘terrorism’.

Palestine Solidarity Campaign – Campaign to build a mass movement in solidarity with Palestine.

Conscience – The Peace Tax Campaign campaigns for the legal right for those with a conscientious objection to war to have the military part of their taxes spent on peacebuilding initiatives.

Engineers Against the Arms Trade (EAAT) – A group of engineering students, professionals and academics opposed to a subsidised arms trade.

Info on the Occupation of Iraq:

Dahr Jamail’s Iraq Dispatches – Unembedded journalism straight from Iraq, bypassing the military censors to tell it how it is. Distrubing accounts of atrocities as well as tales of hope. An excellent alternative to the mainstream media to find out whats really going on in occupied Iraq.

Jo Wilding’s Iraq Blog – Human rights activist Jo Wilding’s first-hand accounts from Iraq, including from inside beseiged Fallujah – must read!

Iraq Body Count – The worldwide update of reported civilian deaths in the Iraq war and occupation.

Independent Media:

SchNEWS – The legendary Brighton-based direct action newsletter! Check out the extensive links on this site.

Indymedia UK – is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues. Content can be contributed online by anyone.

Corporate Watch – Corporate critical DIY research group

Rough Music – “The free monthly(ish) rebel rousing, shit stirring news sheet for and about Brighton”.

Last Hours – Last Hours is a radical culture web zine and occasional publisher. It aims to explore and promote DIY ideas and ideals, with articles, interviews, comics, columns and reviews.