Smash EDO Summer of Resistance week five begins

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM – From 1st May to 1st August 2012.

On Monday a group of us held a surprise demo at the factory as the workers were leaving at the end of their shift. The constant demos are obviously getting to them and one even began to argue with what we were saying (breaking years of, we assume management enforced, silence).

We’ll be up at the factory again today for a noise demo calling on EDO not to produce components, such as Paveway munitons, which would be used in an attack on Iran.

This week is all about preparing for our mass demo on June 4th against the threat of an attack against Iran ( – on thursday and friday from 11am we’ll be at the Cowley Club making banners and props for the demo – feel free to come and help.

Summer of Resistance action report – Thursday 24/05/2012

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM – From 1st May to 1st August 2012

Picket outside Brighton Magistrates Court
Picket outside Brighton Magistrates Court

Surprise demo outside EDO
Surprise demo outside EDO

Early Thursday morning a support picket was held outside Brighton Magistrates Court for the activist arrested under Section 5 of the Public Order Act at Smash EDO’s Mayday demonstration (see

Smash EDO Open Letter to The Argus about our Don't Attack Iran demo

The following Open Letter was sent to the Argus regarding the Don’t Attack Iran, Stop the Arms Trade Demo on June the 4th
As many Brightonians know, Smash EDO has been campaigning against EDO, the Moulsecomb factory building bomb release units, as used in Iraq, Palestine and across the world, for many years.

We want to invite Brightonians to our upcoming march against the threat of an attack on Iran on Monday June 4th. As the noise for an attack on Iran gets louder, readers may well remember that the invasion of Iraq was justified by “weapons of mass destruction” that turned out not to exist. In fact those lobbying for war against Iran are doing so to cement US control of resources and US political domination of the Middle-East. Much the same motives as for the attack on Iraq.

War what is it good for? Smash EDO Summer of Resistance week four begins

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM – From 1st May to 1st August 2012

A group of us, some from the Brighton squatter’s convergence, held a noisy demo outside EDO at 10.30am today. Police arrived but are still keeping a low profile. We brought up a sound system and played the first three seconds of Edwin Starr’s ‘War What is It good for’ on a perpetual loop.We’ll be back this Wednesday playing the sounds of war outside the factory (4-6pm). Watch this space for more surprise events.

Surprise noise demo at EDO – 18/05/2012

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM – From 1st May to 1st August 2012

A group of us held a noisy demo at EDO today with sirens blaring and a sound system playing Palestinian hip hop. The factory called the police and a van turned up, but kept their distance.

Its almost the end of the third week of the Summer of Resistance. Next week we’ll be bringing the noise of war to the factory gates on Wednesday at 4pm, there’ll be loads more too… watch this space.

Later in the afternoon Smash EDO held a workshop in the squatted co op department store as part of the Squatters Convergence.

Smash EDO Summer of Resistance – Down the Drones

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM – From 1st May to 1st August 2012

A colourful demo was held at EDO MBM today, protesting EDO’s manufacture of drone technology for the US and elsewhere. Activists waved flags and made lots of noise with bells, a sound system, horns, pots and pans.Later on in the demo kites were flown over the factory to remind the workers of what its like to be constantly underneath the drones. We even rigged up a kite to take some surveillance footage, aerial footage will be posted soon.

EDO have been involved in US drones for years (see, for example, here and  here), EDO MBM in Brighton manufacture arming units which are incorporated into the drone’s bomb release unit (see  here and here).

In Yemen yesterday 49 people were killed in two CIA drone strikes (see here), at least eight of those people were civilians. Drone strikes are part of a policy of extrajudicial assassinations, illegal under international law.

We will be holding a public meeting about drone technology, with Chris Cole of Drone Wars UK, tomorrow evening at 7.30pm at the Friends Meeting House on Ship Street

Surprise demo at EDO – 15/05/2012

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM – From 1st May to 1st August 2012

A group of us rocked up to the factory today and held a loud demo outside the factory gates.We’ll be back tomorrow for our Down the Drones demo at 4pm. Please come along and bring kites and other unmanned aircraft.

On Thursday we’re holding a public meeting about drones, with Chris Cole from Drone Wars UK, at 7.30pm at the Friends Meeting House in Ship Street

Smash EDO Summer of Resistance week three day one

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM – From 1st May to 1st August 2012.
The third week of the Summer of Resistance began with a noisy demonstration at 9.30am outside the gates of EDO MBM with campaigners banging pots and pans, playing music through a sound system and conveying an anti war message to the workers of EDO MBM over a megaphone.


Smash EDO Summer of Resistance Targets Barclays

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM – From 1st May to 1st August 2012.

Over thirty people turned out to a lively picket of Barclays Bank in North Street, Brighton, today. (photos here)

A picket of Barclays was also held in Bath.

Barclays are the market maker for ITT Exelis, EDO MBM’s parent company on the New York Stock Exchange. They are also the largest global investor in the arms trade.