Ratchet up the Racket: Smash EDO Summer of Resistance continues

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM – From 1st May to 1st August 2012.

On Thursday a group of us braved torrential rain to hold a surprise demo outside the gates of EDO.

On Friday, this time with the sun shining a larger group brought pots, pans, a sound system and a jazz flute up to the factory to usher the workers home at the end of another week (Friday is a half day). 

Bikes not Bombs – Smash EDO Summer of Resistance hits the Pedals

Anti-arms trade campaigners braved heavy rain today for a critical mass against arms dealers EDO MBM. Cyclists gathered on the Level, watched over by a group of motorcycle police. The critical mass kicked off at 3.30pm and initially gave its escort the slip. A sound system and Smash EDO flags made the mass highly visible as it headed to the seafront and up North Street.

Activists pulled up outside the North Street branch of Barclays Bank, unfurled banners and held a picket calling for Barclays to divest from the arms trade and stop providing services to ITT Exelis, EDO MBM’s parent company.

Critical mass outside Barclays on North Street
Critical mass picket of Barclays on Preston Circus
And up at the factory...

Smash EDO Summer of Resistance Week Two begins

We’re already in the second week of Smash EDO’s Summer of Resistance. We kicked off the week with a surprise demo at the factory with punk music blaring from a sound system. No sign of the Old Bill though, who seem determined to maintain a hands off approach. Paul Hills, EDO MBM’s MD seemed none too pleased.

Later in the afternoon activists held a picket and stall outside Barclays Bank on Preston Circus calling for Barclays to divest from the arms trade and to stop providing financial services to ITT, EDO’s parent company.

Pictures at https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2012/05/495840.html

Surprise! Surprise! Summer of Resistance Day Four

Another day, another demo. Smash EDO held a noisy demonstration (click here to see a picture) outside the gates of EDO MBM as the workers were going home for the bank holiday weekend. The police seem to have given up on policing these impromptu demos for now.

Thats it for week one bar our picnic in the park on Sunday

next week there’s an anti arms trade Critical Mass on Wednesday at 3pm, a picket of Barclays on Saturday 12th and more – wait and see

Hot on the Wire: Summer of Resistance Day Three

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM – From 1st May to 1st August 2012.

Day three of the Summer of Resistance started bright and early with a very noisy surprise demonstration outside the factory gates. Then campaigners took to the web and to the phone lines telling EDO what they think of its dirty business and tweeting EDO MBM’s parent company. A quick look at @ITTexelis’ twitter profile shows the level of people’s anger.

Picture at https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2012/05/495729.html

Face the Music – The Summer of Resistance Day Two

20 people turned out today to play some bad music outside EDO. A sound system blared out Rick Astley, Phil Collins and the Osmonds while sirens blared. Campaigners created a mighty racket playing Ukuleles, Violins, harmonicas, bullhorns and cow bells.

We’ll be back soon…

Tomorrow we’re calling on people to contact EDO MBM and ITT Exelis via Twitter and telephone and tell the company what you think of its dirty business. details here.

Mayday! Mayday! The Summer of Resistance Day One

Mayday! Mayday

The summer of resistance kicked off with a bang with a sixty strong Mayday demonstration outside the gates of ITT Exelis. Activists banged pots and pans, sirens blared and a sound system blared out protest songs.

Sussex Police were out in force with at least ten riot vans positioned around the factory, an Evidence Gathering Team (EGT) and officers from the London Forward Intelligence Teams (FIT). One crap arrest was made and activists are now holding a solidarity vigil outside Hollingbury police station.

We will be back at EDO tomorrow at 4pm holding a Bad Music demonstration – bring your Bassoons, clarinets,didgeridoos or whatever… And remember to play as badly as you can.

Evidence Gatherers
One crap arrest for Section 5

Summer of Resistance starts here

Smash EDO, the Brighton based campaign to close down arms manufacturer EDO MBM (a part of US corporation ITT Exelis), has been building up to the start of our summer campaign. The Summer of Resistance is billed to start on Tuesday 1st May with a noise demonstration at the factory.

Smash EDO are planning a whole host of protests and direct actions throughout the summer months including bad music demonstrations, critical mass bike rides, mass demonstration and direct actions to name but a few.Smash EDO spokesperson Chloe Marsh said “this summer is an opportunity for everyone to show their opposition to the warmongers and profiteers that fuel the conflicts ravaging the world. We are going to shut down EDO.”

For more information contact the campaign at smashedo@riseup.net, tel – 07526557436, www.smashedo.org.uk
A list of events during the Summer of Resistance can be found here  http://smashedo.org.uk/summer-of-resistance/sor-listing

Bristol protest against Unmanned Drone Conference

Bristolians kick started a summer of resistance outside the 27th International Bristol Drone Conference. The protest began at around 9 am at the corner of Baldwin street and Telephone Avenue, by midday around 80 people were making a wall of sound including a performance from a live band

Protesters from various different campaign groups including Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Bristol Against Arms Trade, Smash EDO and Bristol Amnesty stood united against the 27th International Bristol UAV Conference.

Smash EDO Open Letter to The Argus on the queen, the Tories and Iran warmongering

We at Smash EDO would like to take this opportunity to clear a few things up and correct some of the rumours that are floating about surrounding our upcoming march on 4th June

Firstly, we have absolutely no intention of disrupting or ruining anybody’s day off and our aim is not to bring chaos and violence on to the streets of Brighton but to highlight the complicity of certain members of our community in international war-mongering