A personal letter on the Tory Anti Smash EDO motion

One campaigner’s letter to the Argus

I strongly object to the motion of Conservative Councillors Tony Janio and Graham Cox condemning SmashEDO for their “plans to disrupt” the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations. The fact is that they have used the Jubilee as a pretext. They have used it to attack the campaign against EDO and take an opportunistic swipe at the local Green Party. Furthermore it is not insignificant that Councillor Janio, who proposed the motion, works for an arms company who partner EDO and Councillor Cox, who seconded the motion and according to a Conservative Party website, is ex-head of Sussex CID and the man who gave the Police Database to the UK. The connections between the Police, the Police Database and the protesters of SmashEDO have been fully explored in the national media.

The Summer of Resistance starts on TUESDAY 1ST OF MAY

Summer of Resistance flyerThe Summer of Resistance might be all about you doing your own thing, but we thought we’d confirm some dates to get you going. Come along to the dates below and get in touch with your own. Remember that it is up to you whether you want your event publicised or a secret.

Tuesday 1st May: come down to Brighton for a big noise demo
outside the factory to get us started. Bring noise making equipment,
banners, megaphones, instruments and anything else you want to contribute.

Thursday 3rd May: Phone blockade of EDO/ITT and twitter prompting
of EDO parent company @ITTexelis. The great thing about this one is that
you can challenge EDO about their business wherever you are.

Sunday 6th May: Party in the park, Brighton. Details TBA.

Saturday 12th May: Target Barclays. Smash EDO will target Barclays,
the Market makers on the New York stock exchange for ITT Exelis, in North
Street, Brighton. If you can’t join us there, target Barclays where you
are! If you want a flyer for your demo, we’ve got one ready -just get in

Bank holiday Monday 4th June: Big demo. If you have been to any of
our previous ones, such as the carnival against the arms trade or the 2009
Brighton Mayday you know what we’re talking about! And since June the 5th
is also a bank holiday on account of the diamond jubilee, this is the
perfect time to make it down to Brighton!

Summer of Resistance 2012

A summer of antics and opposition to Brighton’s very own peddlers of death. Start working on your cunning plans now and join in!

Summer of Resistance flyerSince 2001, EDO/ITT’s products have been used to attack civilian populations in Afghanistan, Gaza, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia and Pakistan. ITT, EDO’s parent company, has a track record of clients that includes the Nazis, Franco and the Pinochet regime. ITT continue to lobby Western governments to pursue military action in order to boost their profit margin. EDO/ITT may be only one cog in the global war machine but shutting them down will throw a spanner in the works.

Since 2004 Brightonians and thousands of supporters from around the world have demonstrated their rage at the factory through a variety of methods. Weekly noise demos, pickets, blockades, rooftop occupations, lobbying, street theatre, mass demonstrations and sabotage have all been used to pile pressure on EDO to leave. Despite being subject to a successful civilian decommissioning during Israel’s 2009 brutal assault on Gaza, the factory somehow clings on.

The summer of 2012 is the time for you to come and take action! We want you, your mates or your affinity group to come to the factory and express your outrage as creatively as you like. We welcome a diversity of tactics and no action is to big or too small. We will provide accommodation, support and advice wherever necessary.

How to get involved:

1.Talk to your mates/your group and think of ideas for action
2.Pick a date in the summer months of 2012
3. Email/call the campaign
07538093930 e-mail: smashedo@riseup.net