Critical Mass against EDO

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM – From 1st May to 1st August 2012.

Getting ready to ride
Getting ready to ride

Outside Barclays in North Street
Outside Barclays in North Street

Outside Barclays in Preston Circus
Outside Barclays in Preston Circus

Noise demo outside EDO MBM
Noise demo outside EDO MBM


A critical mass was held on Wednesday against the EDO arms factory. Cyclists converged on the level and then rode into town.

First stop was Barclays Bank on North Street, a service provider to ITT Exelis, EDO’s parent company. A short picket was held. The mass progressed up to the clocktower and along Queen’s Road and London Road and held another picket of Barclay at Preston Circus.

The mass then started the long slog up the Lewes Road to ITT Exelis where a noise demonstration was held at the factory gates. One crap arrest was made for obstruct police at the factory. The arresting officer told us that he was sure he had the power to arrest he just wasn’t sure “which one yet”. Police also nicked a sound system.

The arrestee was released on police bail at 1.30am.

The arrest today is part of an escalation of policing in the last week or so outside EDO. We need your support. We will be outside the factory, remembering the dead from Somaila to Yemen to Afghanistan, Next Wednesday from 4-6pm – we need your support

Anti-militarists march against attack on Iran

Over 150 people marched from North Street to Hove town hall today in protest against the threat of war against Iran.

The protest, organised by campaigners against EDO MBM, a Brighton based arms company manufacturing military components used by the US and its allies, began at Barclays Bank. Barclays is a service provider to ITT Exelis, EDO MBM’s parent company, and is the largest global investor in the arms trade.

Sussex Police attempted to use Police Liaison Officers to infiltrate the march and gather information about protesters. However, participants in the march took direct action to kick Liaison Officers off the demo and keep the demonstration police free.

Chloe Marsh of Smash EDO said “hundreds of Brightonians turned out to protest against the threat of a new imperialist war in Iran. Those who took part in the protest also effectively prevented Police Liaison teams from maintaining a presence on the protest.”

The lack of police use of force on this demonstration was notable. Much though Sussex Police claim that this is due to the success of their new Police Liaison Officers, in fact the Liaison Offers were not engaged with by the attendees.

Smash EDO are in the midst of a three month Summer of Resistance campaign against the factory and are planning a mass citizen’s weapons inspection of the EDO factory on the 16th July. The campaign will continue until the EDO factory closes down.




Smash EDO Summer of Resistance Targets Barclays

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM – From 1st May to 1st August 2012.

Over thirty people turned out to a lively picket of Barclays Bank in North Street, Brighton, today. (photos here)

A picket of Barclays was also held in Bath.

Barclays are the market maker for ITT Exelis, EDO MBM’s parent company on the New York Stock Exchange. They are also the largest global investor in the arms trade. 

Bikes not Bombs – Smash EDO Summer of Resistance hits the Pedals

Anti-arms trade campaigners braved heavy rain today for a critical mass against arms dealers EDO MBM. Cyclists gathered on the Level, watched over by a group of motorcycle police. The critical mass kicked off at 3.30pm and initially gave its escort the slip. A sound system and Smash EDO flags made the mass highly visible as it headed to the seafront and up North Street.

Activists pulled up outside the North Street branch of Barclays Bank, unfurled banners and held a picket calling for Barclays to divest from the arms trade and stop providing services to ITT Exelis, EDO MBM’s parent company.

Critical mass outside Barclays on North Street
Critical mass picket of Barclays on Preston Circus
And up at the factory...

Smash EDO Summer of Resistance Week Two begins

We’re already in the second week of Smash EDO’s Summer of Resistance. We kicked off the week with a surprise demo at the factory with punk music blaring from a sound system. No sign of the Old Bill though, who seem determined to maintain a hands off approach. Paul Hills, EDO MBM’s MD seemed none too pleased.

Later in the afternoon activists held a picket and stall outside Barclays Bank on Preston Circus calling for Barclays to divest from the arms trade and to stop providing financial services to ITT, EDO’s parent company.

Pictures at

Barclays: Divest from Israel and the Arms Trade

Over twenty people turned out to picket Barclays – calling for the bank to divest from Israel and the arms trade and to cease providing financial services to ITT Exelis. We were joined by activists from the World Development Movement protesting against Barclays speculation on food prices. This was be the 4th boycott action that has been called jointly by Jordan Valley Solidarity, B&H Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Smash EDO, and Sussex & Brighton Uni students. We’ve effectivley closed the branch down every time.

Why Barclays? well it:

  • has a  along history of profiting from suffering and war – most people will be aware of their involvement in apartheid South Africa in the 70′s and 80′s.
  • is the only major British high street bank with significant investments in Israel, holding shares in 8 Israeli companies and a number of companies linked to Israel’s illegal settlements.
  • is the largest global investor in the arms trade and holds shares in several companies supplying arms to Israel.
  • Provides market maker services to ITT Exelis on the New York Stock Exchange


Occupation of Barclays – 10/3/12

An occupation and mock trial was held in the Barclays bank branch on North Street, Brighton to demonstrate against Barclays’ investments in the arms trade and in Israeli companies.

Demonstrators occupied the branch for forty minutes before holding a lively demonstration outside calling for a boycott of Barclays until the bank divests from Israel and the arms trade.

Pictures at

Report of Barclays Picket – Divest from Israel and the arms trade

Over 30 people turned out on Saturday 25th February to demonstrate against Barclays’ investments in the arms trade and in Israeli companies.

The demonstration was called by Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity, Smash EDO and Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign. After demonstrators arrived security guards, clearly fearing a repeat of UK-Uncut style protests, shut the front doors of the bank and would only grant access to customers who were carrying Barclay Cards.

photos at

Barclays is the largest global investor in the arms trade and is the market maker for arms company ITT Exelis.

Cambridge activists target Barclays

From Indymedia – “A small demo was held by Cambridge Anima against Barclays in Market Sq Cambridge on Friday 30th July 2010. The protest was over Barclays collusion with Brighton based arms component makers EDO that has been the centre of a long running campaign to shut the factory.” See for more details