Report from the June 12 demonstration against militarism and capitalist violence

The anti-militarist demonstration on June 12 had been called by Smash EDO, Disarm DSEi and Sussex Stop G8 and was part of the Stop G8 week of action in London.

After an eventful Carnival Against Capitalism on June 11, which had seen a ridiculously over the top policing operation throughout central London -including a brutal raid on the Stop G8 convergence space- it was time to show the police and the arms dealers that neither mass arrests nor physical attacks would keep us off the streets.

A rallying call on the Stop G8 web-site read:

‘Whether it’s smashing its way into the Stop G8 convergence centre, attacking Taksim square with tear gas and rubber bullets, or bombing innocent civilians in Gaza or Afghanistan, capitalism depends on ugly brute force to impose its rule. We will not be cowed into submission by state repression.’

This statement was issued with an invitation to protest London’s ‘dealers in death’, staring at BAE Systems, the world’s third largest arms manufacturer which sells its weaponry indiscriminately around the world.

Not content with having nicked most of the props and megaphones (and some people) for the action the day before, the cops tried to repress the demo before it had even started, with two van loads of police rushing half a dozen anti-militarists around the corner from the meeting point. Surrounding them, they were told that they were being held to prevent a breach of the peace as they were “going to cause trouble”. After the scenario quickly attracted a number of journalists with video cameras and a legal observer, the cops changed their minds and let the perceived troublemakers go after all.

Once at the meeting point demonstrators were met with a picket line of grim reapers already positioned outside the BAE entrance and given white ‘weapon inspector’ boiler suits and whistles. The 150 strong crowd included  people from Stop the Arms Fair, Campaign Against the Arms Trade and well as Smash EDO, Disarm DSEi and Stop G8 protesters. After half an hour of noise making at BAE, the demo set off for an angry tour of arms dealers in the West End. First stop was Thales, the world’s 11th largest arms company, which produces radars and electronic surveillance satellites, drones and helicopter avionics, armoured vehicles mortar systems and missiles.

The demo continued towards its next target tailed by a large amount of police and a dozen journalists. After taking Lower Regent Street, it reached Lockheed Martin. Clearly not very proud of what it does, the world’s largest arms producer’s office is located in an unmarked building just off Piccadilly. The protestors were determined not to let them hide, arriving to loud chants of “arms dealers -Terrorists”. Once outside the building the demo held the road, highlighting Lockheed Martin’s exports to Israel with ‘Free Palestine’ chants and megaphone speeches.

Although the police were out in large numbers, they were taking a more passive role than the previous day, focusing instead on intense intelligence gathering (including by Northern Irish police). As the crowd marched though Piccadilly, tourists were met with “Who protects the arms dealers? The police protects the arms dealers” echoing across the square.

Next up was a quick stop at another anonymous looking building, where activists carrying banners mounted the back of an lorry parked outside and staged a noisy protest. The target was Northrop Grumman UK, one of the world’s largest defence contractors and the largest builder of naval vessels.
The demo gained a lot of public attention as it continued across Leicester Square, down Charing Cross Road and on to the Strand, where it stopped outside the missile company MBDA. It’s shareholders include BAE Systems, EADS and Finmeccanica.

After the mass arrests and general police repression the day before it seemed suitable that this demo included Charing Cross Police Station on its route and since it is located pretty much next to two arms-dealers this did not present a problem. As the station was swamped by its own police, the demo blocked the entrance to loud chants of “no justice, no peace -fuck the police” and “Who protects the arms dealers? The police protects the arms dealers!” That done, the anti-militarists turned the corner, where the demo ended outside QinetiQ, manufacturers of drones and armed robots used in Iraq and Afghanistan.

After the demo split up and most people headed to the pub, we had reports that the grim reapers from Stop the Arms Fair showed extra resilience and visited The London Transport Museum, to say no to arms dealer sponsorship.

For more locations of arms dealers in the West End, have a look at the Stop G8 map. Remember that they will still be there after the week of action!

Call for an Anti-Militarist Action against the G8 on June 12th

On June 12th Sussex Stop G8, Smash EDO and Disarm DSEI are calling for a mass Citizens Weapons Inspection in the West End. The meeting place will be BAE Systems, 6 Carlton Gardens, SW1Y 5AD. Join Us

This is a call to all anti-militarists to join us in the West End of London during the week of action against the G8. — for more info see

Meet at 2pm, June 12th. The meeting place will
be BAE Systems, 6 Carlton Gardens, SW1Y 5AD. Join Us and

The West End is one of London’s financial centres and London is at the heart of global capitalism. The West End hosts private banks for London’s wealthy elites, private investment funds and PR companies to handle the reputational issues of the city’s corporations and mega rich. All of this is carried on behind closed doors, however the West End is also host to the private members’ clubs and cocktail bars where the powerful flaunt their wealth.Wherever there is extreme wealth at the expense of the poor it necessitates military force to protect the powerful from rebellion. The mining companies of the West End require military might to defend their land grabs from the anger of indigenous peoples. Oil companies, like BP on St James’s Square, need state neo-imperialism to exploit the resources of subjugated nations all over the world. Global capitalism requires repression to ensure against revolt.

The West End is a centre of London’s arms trade. Companies like L-3, based at 27b Floral Street, manufacture drone and surveillance technology to ensure that populations remain tame and compliant in the face of global capitalist oppression. Around the corner at 15 Lower Regent Street is the world’s largest military contractor, the US company Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin’s complicity in global military oppression is almost too large to comprehend, with contracts in everything from missiles to aircraft. The UK’s largest arms manufacturer BAE hold offices at 6 Carlton Gardens. Riddled with long-running corruption scandals concerning the payment of sums of approximately £30m per quarter for more than 10 years to Saudi Prince Bandar as well as other high profile corruption cases in South Africa, BAE have now been forced to pay the US government £48.7m for breach of military export laws, mere pocket-money for them of course.

The West End is also host to the head offices of private military companies, which make money from providing security to corporate contractors seeking profit in situations of military conflict and occupation where they require protection from angry populations. Erinys, at 66 Chiltern Street, has provided security to Western contractors in Iraq and has been accused of torturing an Iraqi teenager. Aegis, at 118 Piccadilly, had a £225m contract from the US government to oversee all private military personnel in Iraq. When the US Military pulled out of Baghdad, Aegis was one of the eight companies which replaced it.

These actions have human consequences. Millions are killed every year in military conflict, from the more-than-a-decade occupation of Afghanistan, which has brought nothing but death and turmoil to the people of the country, to the Israeli state occupation and apartheid against the people of Palestine to the US’s covert drone attacks in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Military companies are benefiting from these bloody conflicts while the net result of all this is to maintain the current status quo — global domination by a handful of capitalist states.

Join us in the West End on Wednesday 12th June to show the CEOs of these companies that they cannot hide from our anger behind the closed doors and nondescript shopfronts of the West End and that the CCTV and surveillance culture that they advocate cannot tame the population forever, that there will be a fightback.

Meet at 2pm, June 12th, West End, BAE Systems, 6 Carlton Gardens, SW1Y 5AD. Join Us

Smash EDO
Sussex Stop G8
Disarm DSEi

Two arrests at lock-on protest to mark 10 years since start of illegal Iraq war

Two campaigners have been arrested after blockading the gates of a Brighton arms factory on the tenth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. A group of activists arrived at the EDO MBM factory at 6am and three of them affixed themselves to the gates using bicycle d-locks and superglue. They were all removed  after six hours.

The action was held  to mark the tenth anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq war in 2003. EDO MBM is one of a group of companies which has supplied Paveway bombs for use in Iraq and Afghanistan. The company also manufactures an essential weapons system cable, the Field Replaceable Connector System (FRCS), which is used on US planes known to carry cluster munitions. EDO also provides and supports the main bomb racks for British aircraft used in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Chloe Marsh of Smash EDO said:

“The case for war was put to people in the UK on the basis of an immediate threat from Iraqi WMD. This turned out, as expected, to be a lie. As a result, according to the Lancet, over a million Iraqi citizens have died.”

Andrew Beckett of Smash EDO said:

“We are here to commemorate those who died in the aerial bombardment of Iraq and to resist EDO ‘s continued supply of components to the US UK military.”

Another campaigner, Jessica Nero, was challenging her conviction for aggravated trespass in a Lewes appeal court today, resulting from a similar action in April 2011. Her case was adjourned after the court decided two days would not be enough time to deal with the case. This was because an expert report was served by the defence containing a large file of what the defence legal team argue is evidence proving the unlawfulness of EDO’s activities.

Smash EDO press 07526557436


Activists remember the victims of 'Operation Pillar of Defence' outside the gates of EDO

On Wednesday December 12th activists named those who died in Gaza during ‘Operation Pillar of Defence’ outside the gates of EDO MBM, the design authority for the VER-2 bomb rack, used on the Israeli F16. The company is also engaged in supplying bomb release components to Lockheed Martin in the US for the F35 fighter plane, which the Israeli military has agreed to buy from the US company.