There are currently two feeds available: “Press Releases” and “Action Diary”. What is RSS?

Diary Feedis this for me?

Press Releases Feedis this for me?

What is RSS?

RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication’ (the most commonly accepted meaning). Put plainly, it allows you to identify the content you like and have it delivered directly to you.

You need either a standalone ‘news reader’ program or an internet browser that is RSS compatible; we recommend Firefox which is free, secure and has many more features (including RSS) than Internet Explorer.

See the manual/help file of your chosen program for how to subscribe to the RSS feeds on this site. For more help or information see the BBC guide on RSS here.

Diary feed

Get all of our upcoming actions and events updated live in your browser – especially useful for activists or journalists covering ongoing stories.

Press Releases feed

This feed is for the most recent smashEDO press releases. Very useful for journalists to keep up to date with the campaign, but also a way for supporters to keep up to date with the latest news.