In 2016 two-thirds of the St. Ann’s hospital site is due to be sold for private housing development, with just 14% of these homes classed as ‘affordable’. St Ann’s Redevelopment Trust (StART) wants to acquire the site and ensure that this valuable public asset is used to benefit the whole community, and we need your help to make this happen. You’ve had your say, and we’re building on it. Now we need your feedback on our architects’ draft plans.
Join us in developing our community plan for St Ann’s Hospital site
Last year hundreds of local people took part in our survey to say what they want to see happen to the St Ann’s site. The top priority was for homes that local people can afford to rent or buy, closely followed by health services, green spaces and community facilities. The results also show overwhelming support for the idea that local people are best placed to say what’s needed and to take a lead in the site’s redevelopment and management. Based on these results and the ideas developed in two consultation meetings, our team of architects have come up with the first draft plans that we would like to share and discuss with you.
Can’t make the consultations? You can still get involved
We need people to help with leafleting, stalls, legal advice, finances, publicity, planning and so much more. If you have time or skills to share please contact us at info[at]startharingey[dot]co[dot]uk