Squat-radar events plugin

Network23 has added the squat-radar calendar/events plugin. This offers improved privacy over the other calendar plugins available there, so Network23 recommend its use.

The plugin integrates with https://radar.squat.net/ to display events on your site.

Summary of steps to use on your site:

  1. Activate the plugin in the dashboard Plugins section.
  2. You will need to signup and create a group with events on https://radar.squat.net/events, if this isn’t already setup.
  3. To add a widget (e.g. as a sidebar block), from the dashboard visit: Appearance: Widgets section, drag the ‘Squat Radar Events’ plugin to where you want it.
  4. Copy the link to the group events from radar.squat.net and add to the widget settings. The widget provides guidance.

A hack to add the events list to a page as main content:

  1. Add widget to sidebar as above.
  2. Add code to the desired page, in HTML editing mode:
    <script>jQuery(function() { jQuery(‘.squat-radar-widget’).detach().appendTo(jQuery(‘.entry-content’)) });</script>
  3. To hide the widget on other pages:
    1. Add global css (in Appearance: Customise) to hide widget:
      .squat-radar-widget { display: none; }
    2. Add styling to the desired page to show the widget there (in HTML editing mode):
      <style>.squat-radar-widget { display: block; }</style>
    3. If necessary (e.g. if you don’t have other widgets), add global css to fix the layout by making main content 100% width and ‘removing’ sidebar. Depending on your theme, something like:
      #primary-widget-area { width: 0em; }
      #content { width: 100%; }

For reference, on other sites where plugins can be installed, the above hack could be achieved with plugins such as ‘amr shortcode any widget‘ (to add widgets to page content) and something like Widget Context plugin (to selectively display widgets).

The squat-radar plugin is published on wordpress.org with more details about usage.
