From Reform to Revolution
The first Big Questions discussions was sparked off with a reading of the first part of a short zine from an anarchist collective in the USA, called ‘From Reform to Revolution’, about how reformism fits into revolutionary strategy and how revolutionaries/radicals should play a part in reformist movements.
Here’s a link to the zine:
Finding your frontline
The reading up for discussion – Organising Cools the Planet:
We said we’d discuss chapter 3, in particular 11-17 which introduces the zine’s crucial theme – ‘finding your frontline’.
Proposed discussion point:
To add to what people have already said about the zine – in our previous discussion we explored a bit the contradiction of different “frontlines” (specifically climate change and class or poverty) not always meeting well. (E.g. the last deep coal mine has closed in the UK, which is good for climate and really bad for the people who worked there.) The zine, I think, argues that the fights worth fighting are on the clear overlap of frontlines – so I would be interested in hearing what people think about that?