We are not surprised one bit. We have been acutely aware of many issues of public concern within the Arizona State University Police Department. When the details of this lawsuit are fully known we will find ways to supply any information we are aware of to assist them in their case against these defendants and others not listed. This initial lawsuit appears to be a beginning.
I suspect more will come forward and break the code of silence, despite all the threats against them doing so. Nobody should be afraid of these liars, cowards, bullies, and immoral people.
I would recommend that anyone who has been a employee/victim of the Arizona State University Police Department management to come forward now and here’s how:
In the Courthouse News article, http://www.courthousenews.com/2016/02/22/asu-police-accused-of-faking-crime-stats.htm , it mentions the law office managing this case, Dow Law Office, founder David Dow. I looked up the firm: http://dowlawaz.com/ and here is the contact information: http://dowlawaz.com/contact-us/
13 Links to articles on this latest Arizona State University Police Scandal:
1. Ex-ASU officers sue, say they were forced to make school appear safer
2. ASU Police Accused of Faking Crime Stats
3. Six Cops File Suit Against Thier Own Department, Alleging Corruption
Six Cops File Suit Against Thier Own Department, Alleging Corruption
4. Former ASU cops sue, claim school forced them to make campus appear safer
6. Lawsuit claims discrimination, harassment within ASU PD
7. ASU police accused of faking crime stats
8. Former ASU Police Say School Directed Them to Change Crime Stats
10. Ex-ASU officers’ lawsuit alleges crime stats were altered
11. Former ASU cops sue, claim school forced them to make campus appear safer
12. Ex-ASU officers’ lawsuit alleges crime stats were altered
13. Ex-ASU officers’ lawsuit alleges crime stats were altered
Perhaps this former lawsuit can shed more light on what’s happening here in this latest lawsuit. Here’s a related article:
Public Disservice: Discrimination, harassment settlements add up for ASU here:
One of the Defendents in this new Lawsuit, Officer Mark Janda, was named before in a lawsuit involving shoddy report writing, doing absolutely no investigation in a brutal rape case: FYI: He should have been held respinsible in this case: Misfeasance is the inadequate or improper performance of a lawful act. Nonfeasance is the neglect of a duty or the failure to perform a required task. What ASUPD Internal Affair was done on this known “clique” member.
Are there any issues within the official filing that could concern the ACLU?
Here is the link for the Arizona chapter: http://www.acluaz.org/

Arizona State University Police Department Austed Chief John Pickens is still employed in a bogus job to pay for his silence. 150,ooo a year for being silent, reports to Morgan Olsen.

Arizona State University Police Department Officer Mark Janda has a history of liability with the department, a clique member willing to injure employees targeted by ASUPD command.

Arizona State University Police Department Sergeant Epps was hurting employees trying to leave, playing into the lack of integrity that has become the bedrock of management within ASUPD.

Arizona State University Human Resources Head Kevin Salcido was part of the silence dissent within policy, was aware of many issues, but did nothing about them.

Arizona State University falls under ABOR and has allowed illegal and toxic situations to remain at ASUPD for decades.

Arizona State University Police Department Sergeant Pamela Osborne, clique member, was known for damaging employees in the Police Officer Field Training Program. Her lack of integrity has no business in law enforcement.

Arizona State University Police Department Commander Orr was a clique founder and defender and hurt other employees. His lack of integrity has no business in law enforcement.

Arizona State University Police Department Commander Louis Scichilone has been caught in so many lies it isn’t even funny. He’s a protected clique member. His lack of integrity has no business in law enforcement.

Arizona State University Police Department current Chief Michael Thompson is every bit as corrupt as former Chief John Pickens and is an embarrassment to the profession. He continued to protect the clique as it hurt other employees. His lack of integrity has no business in law enforcement.

Arizona State University Police Department former Assistant Chief James Hardina, clique member, quickly rose through the ranks on his willingness to act out against the employees who were targeted by ASUPD command. His lack of integrity has no business in law enforcement.