Mindblown: poetry on philosophy, life, society, mysticism and art.
In cities a night can unfold into wondrous meetings, music events, new friends and groups of friends, especially when u got ca$h or boosters or both.. Sometimes though in towns life comes to an end at 00:00, and all things still open are merely pop music venues with overpriced entrance and full of teenagers that…
New poem, this time on the subject of love (that drew attention of many a poet, but in my opinion still relevant). People seem to always forget what it is and neglect it. On the other hand it also (as any other thing) comes with a price. No answers right- All are always wrong, Love…
Another poem, this time concerning reincarnation, rituals, death and sex… I bit inspired by Burroughs and Ginsberg (beat!!!) With face of fire and hand, raised in a mighty posture, he holds a gun. When streaming pulses Forward run, Towards their final station, One mighty bang, and life itself collides with death, as happens impregnation. Death…
Interaction with the police is never pleasant for a commoner and a peasant (somewhat like me). Even less so is waiting for their decisions regarding your future. In such a troubled state art oftentimes helps spill out accumulated emotion, I’ll put it here for maybe someone will identify with it for sense of community is…
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