We’ve been involved in fighting the badger culls since the first pilot cull in Gloucestershire in 2013.

The badger cull is an unscientific attempt at scapegoating the badger for the spread of bTb, taking the blame away from farmers poor bio security measures and fox hunts who rampage through the countryside going from farm to farm. The badger cull is nothing more than another bloodsport.

How fox hunts are spreading bovine tuberculosis

We are currently surveying setts in Warwickshire in preparation for the cull being rolled out.

If you’d like to help us fight the badger cull you can contact us at westmidlandhuntsabs@hotmail.co.uk

Alternatively you can contact Warwickshire Against the Cull at warwickshireagainstthecull@outlook.com

Fighting the badger cull is very expensive and we can not do it without your help

I would like to give…

£10 Will help towards buying vital equipment such maps

£25 Will give us enough fuel to spend the day surveying in the cull zone. We can be out 2-3 times a week sett surveying during  the summer. We need to be out as often as we can before the cull starts so we are as prepared as possible. Our fuel costs add up and is one of our biggest expenses

£50  Will go towards IR night vision which will improve our chances of spotting badger shooters during the night.

£100 Will help towards buying thermal imaging equipment which make spotting badger shooters a lot easier during the night

Other Choose your own amount