Fuck Facebook, Join The Resistance!









The fuckwits at Facebook have bowed to the powers that be (as per usual) and pulled the plug on the Resist26 ‘Stay 4 One Day’ event page…


Facebook have kindly cancelled the facebook events (Stay 4 One Day, Seed Drop etc) not to mention accounts that were linked to the events. Apparently we aren’t allowed our own facebook revolution (too many paid advertisers in the west) :D

Please help us get the word out by posting on your blogs, tweeting and changing your facebook status to the following in solidarity!

“PLS SPREAD! Hyde Park Occupation is still on, cops closed FB event and accounts. More information http://www.resist26.org

Facebook’s actions should come as no surprise to anyone. Social networking is a powerful communications tool, but that also makes it a powerful marketing tool. Although corporations like to be associated with ideas like liberty, individuality, creativity and freedom in their ad campaigns, they have a vested interest in keeping wealth and power in the hands of an elite few – and in keeping you a slave to the money machine. Facebook is like any other corporation, the only freedom it offers is freedom to consume. But all that time you spend consuming – or updating your Facebook status ;-) – is life itself.  As the Angry Brigade famously said:

“If you’re not busy being born, you’re busy buying.”

All the sales girls in the flash boutiques are made to dress the same and have the same make-up, representing the 1940’s. In fashion as in everything else, capitalism can only go backwards — they’ve nowhere to go — they’re dead.

The future is ours.

Life is so boring there is nothing to do except spend all our wages on the latest skirt or shirt.

Brothers and Sisters, what are your real desires?

Sit in the drugstore, look distant, empty, bored, drinking some tasteless coffee? Or perhaps BLOW IT UP OR BURN IT DOWN. The only thing you can do with modern slave-houses — called boutiques — IS WRECK THEM. You can’t reform profit capitalism and inhumanity. Just kick it till it breaks.


Communique 8
The Angry Brigade

You can download the GREEN version by clicking here.

You can download the RED version by clicking here.

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Doing Donny

We joined our friends the Barnsdale Brigade in Doncaster today to hand out free badges and posters. They were so widely received that we’ve decided to embark on a tour of Yorkshire towns. Let us know if there’s a demo you’d like us to visit ;-)

We’re also starting a Yorkshire-wide Projection Bombing campaign in the new year – look for us on a land-mark near you!

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Leeds Footprints Zines & Campaigns Fair – this Saturday!

We’re off to Leeds on Saturday 13th November to celbrate 10 years of the Footprint printers workers cooperative. We printed some ‘Best Cut‘ and ‘Kick It‘ posters there recently so we’ll bring some along with us. See you there…

The presses at Footprint Workers Co-op have been churning out campaign materials, radical publications, newsletters, gig posters, zines and books for TEN YEARS.

We’re proud of all the amazing projects we’ve been able to support over the years with our printing services, everything from travel zines to radical action on climate change, from shiny annual reports to grungy diaries.

To celebrate we’re having a party and hosting a zines and campaigns fair and organising a tree planting weekend for our 10th Anniversary celebration of cooperation, resistance, DiY culture and self publishing.
The Zine, Campaigns & Other Stuff Fair – 13 November 2010

We’re inviting all our customers from around the country, fellow co-operators and other projects and publishers we want to promote, to hold a stall at the zine and campaigns fair to show everyone what they’re up to and to sell their work.

Zine and Campaigns Fair: Leeds University Union (tell us you are coming on facebook)

Not sure there’s any more stall space unless you’re really, really tiny or really, really unmissable, but there might be workshop space, or you could roam round with a portable stall…

Leeds University Union, 11am – 5pm
The 10th Birthday Party – 13 November 2010

After the zine fair we’ll be continuing into the night with 10th birthday food, jelly & custard, slam poets, bands and djs:

Re-Claire the Streets – our very own Footprinting poet
Danny Chivers – passionately political
D Millard – LS6’s favourite man up a ladder
The Sex Patels – south asian music takes on punk
Na Zdrove! – awesome gypsy/balkan/klezma ska night from Sheffield
Defibrillator – A Common Place fave, breakbeat, electronica, dub

10th Anniversary Celebration Gig: The Common Place, Leeds. (tell us you are coming on facebook)

£3 in, see you at the front

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Anarchy, Art & Appetisers – The Bradford Print Project Grand Dinner

It’s a real shame that a computer monitor cannot hope to do letterpress printing justice, because Dr Peter Good (of The Cunningham Amendment fame) has produced this beautiful flyer for the forthcoming dinner at Bradford’s 1 in 12 Club on Saturday 25th September, 2010 – starts midday.

Dr Good has donated a wonderful Victorian treadle press to the 1 in 12 which will be used for the purposes of education and propa-propaganda. The dinner has been organised to help launch The Print Project and to raise money for the 1 in 12 roof fund.

With dinner – provided by the Para-military Wing of Age Concern – at a mere £2 this is an unmissable event. Spread the word!

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