Anonymous blogging

Some how, for some reason has ended up on wikipedia.

Yes such thing is offered by network23. An email address is necessary, for things like sending users their new passwords or generally keeping in touch. That’s all is needed, and a general feel of what the blog will be about as well – we may reject a request for hierarchical groupings like … hooligans.

Any email address is ok for n23, even gmail addresses. However, for some one who wants anonymity, a bit more care is needed (in short, there is no anonymity to be expected from most commercial providers). You may be able to get an aktivix address if you can get some one who already has one to vouche for you, and there are also other options that also offer anonymity in this website,

However: writing an anonymous blog takes more than an encrypted connection (https) to a server that doesn’t keep IP logs. There are other things that can link a blog persona with a real person. If pictures are published, the metadata on them can link them to the model and characteristics of the camera (or phone) they were taken with. The writing style can be a giveaway too. Even the publishing patterns.

For the later, there is the option of not publishing a post immediately, but rather give a later date and a time for it to publish.

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, just an introduction to make whoever reads this think, and as a final thought, forget about publicising the blog in corporate social media. Same as with commercial email providers, there is no realistic expectation of anonymity on sites so frequently used for ‘sharing’ content, links or pictures.

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, just an introduction to make whoever reads this think, and as a final thought, forget about publicising the blog in social media. Same as with commercial email providers, there is no realistic expectation of anonymity on sites so frequently used for ‘sharing’ content, links or pictures.

Also, a word of warning: Anonymous doesn’t mean impunity, so it should not mean careless. There are many blogs now on n23, too many to bother to count, and every blogger has some responsibility for the rest of bloggers in the network.

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