For immediate release
London NoBorders condemns in the strongest terms the violence that led to
the death of Jimmy Mubenga following an attempt to deport him to Angola
earlier this week.(1)
On Tuesday evening 46 year old Jimmy was put on BA flight 77 from Heathrow
to Luanda. He was accompanied by three security guards from G4S who
according to eyewitnesses violently assualted him. An ambulance was called
to the airport and Jimmy was taken to Hillingdon Hospital but was
pronounced dead on arrival. (2)
Richard Edwards, a spokesperson for London NoBorders, stated: “This is yet
another example of the violence of border regimes. Every year hundreds of
people are deported from Europe, often by physical force, to face
uncertain futures and sometimes persecution and death. Meanwhile hundreds
die trying to enter the EU.”
Violence during deportations from Europe is been well documented and has
been happening for many years. In 1998 for example, Semira Adamou died
from suffocation during an attempt to deport her from Belgium. And on 17th
March this year, Alex Uzowulu died on a flight from Switzerland after
police handcuffed him and placed a helmet on his head. (3)
Jimmy leaves behind his wife Makenda and their five children.
London NoBorders
07535 319119,
Notes to editors
(1) London NoBorders is a group which calls for an end to immigration
controls. More info here:
(2) See eyewitness reports here:
(3) See also this Medical Justice report highlighting abuse on deportation
flights from the UK:
Unusually strong article from Guardian condemming UK immigration controls:
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It’s not too suprising to some of us that lives in this country and knowing the hypocricy of the British press that little or no publicity will be given to the unjust killing of Jimmy Mubenga. I hope all peace loving British balck or white will put pressure on the appropriate section of the goverment and ensure that justice is done.
Que Jimmy repose en paix
Les Congolais à mort quelques Anglais du monde entier pour qu’ils comprennent que les Congolais ont aussi les Coulles.