No Borders Gathering 21-22nd February in Bristol

The Bristol No Borders group are hosting the next network-wide No Borders Gathering, on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd February at St. Werburgh’s Community Centre here in Bristol.

The Gathering will be a chance to discuss, network and plan, and to build on the discussions held at the last network-wide gathering earlier this year in Newcastle. It’s is a collectively organised event with shared responsibility for content and organisation, being co ordinated this time by people in Bristol with help from our friends over in South Wales.

you don’t have to be active in an existing group to attend andthe gathering is open, it is a working meeting rather than a place to
necessarily find out more about the network in general. For this we
suggest contacting a local group see for a list of

Cost will be kept as low as possible (donation of between £10 and £15 tbc to cover venue and vegan food) and free to asylum seekers.

No Borders is a network of groups struggling for the freedom of movement for all and an end to all migration controls. We call for a radical movement against the system of control, dividing us into citizens and citizens. We demand the end of the border regime for everyone, including ourselves, to enable us to live another way, without fear, racism and nationalism.

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One Response to No Borders Gathering 21-22nd February in Bristol

  1. Pingback: Network Gathering in February « No Borders South Wales

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