Category Archives: Uncategorized

The positive case against Borders

Yes, thats right there is one. Check this video out:Karl Sharro – Rediscovering the joy of humanity

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Next Bristol No Borders Cafe/Film Night: Casablanca

“Huh? Casablanca What’s that got do with borders?“ Well, what with it all being about a political refugee trying escape North Africa & being thwarted by corrupt officials, bureaucracy and fascists? Also, we’d thought we have a film that didn’t … Continue reading

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Statewatch: The EU’s self-interested border response to unrest in North Africa

Bristol No Borders Writes: “This report highlights how border security continues to trump any Human Rights in EU policy decisions. Making their criticism of other “less liberal” States Human Rights’ records as hollow as a promise by Nick Clegg. Extract … Continue reading

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‘Veto nationalism’: Populism, nationalism and the Tories

(Taken from Institute of Race Relations website) An examination of the Euroscepticism, nationalism and patriotism being established by politicians and the media in the UK. ‘It takes a rare party leader to reach beyond the arid debates of the political … Continue reading

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Lies, Damm Lies & Migration Watch Reports

Youth Employment Blamed on Migrants: “Bullshit!, Come Off it, The Enemy is Profit!” If the consequences of their lies were not so serious & widely accepted  by the right wing media then the fact that the cut & paste reports … Continue reading

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Next Bristol Anti-Deportation Training: Saturday 28th Janurary

BRISTOL ANTI-DEPORTATION NETWORK Invites you to: An afternoon of workshops focusing on local action we can take to support people within the asylum and immigration system, followed by a delicious meal.   SATURDAY 28TH JANUARY 2012 1PM to 5PM   … Continue reading

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Seasons greetings from Athens: migrant street traders and anarchists cancel out police raid

We’ll have a print of analysis of the start, growth & inevitable attempted repression aof the migrant struggle in greece available at the film showing tonight, but in the mean time have a look at the video & article from … Continue reading

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Predictions for 2012: serious/funny

Watch This:  The Rap News!   Then Read This: SPRING CONFRONTS WINTER Mike Davis In great upheavals, analogies fly like shrapnel. The electrifying protests of 2011—the on-going Arab spring, the ‘hot’ Iberian and Hellenic summers, the ‘occupied’ fall in the … Continue reading

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Next No Borders Film & Cafe Night: 5th January

Bristol No Borders as part of its popular Cafe/Cinema Night Presents: “In This World” by  Michael Winterbottom “ “In This World” challenges knee-jerk reactions to the asylum debate by questioning the neat bureaucratic distinctions between economic migrants and political refugees.” … Continue reading

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Essential Reading For Anarchists

For obvious reasons the struggles in Greece are very close to many anarchists hearts, so we thought you  might all be interested in “In the struggle between yourself and the world, back the world”. “In the struggle between yourself and … Continue reading

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