Tag Archives: deportation

Moughane Abdulhaq must stay!

Deportation successfully stopped After 12 years in the UK, Bristol resident Abdul Huq Moughane was due to be deported from London to Morocco on Monday 31st January. Moughane left Morocco after having been imprisoned, tortured and falsely accused of writing … Continue reading

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Movement #4 – No Borders Newsletter

click on image to download pdf. You can keep up to date with these stories and more on the Movement website, which hosts extensive links from across the movement for freedom of movement and equality for all (and beyond).

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New Newsletter! – Movement #1

    The No Borders UK Newsletter has been rotated around local No Borders  groups for the last few years. Last month’s  network gathering in London, signalled that it is now our turn to produce the publication. We  intend to … Continue reading

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SOAS cleaners update

SOAS cleaners update http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/07/433893.html More news is emerging of just how dehumanising and brutal have been the effects of the immigration raids at SOAS organised by external contractor ISS shortly after the cleaners won union recognition and pay rises to … Continue reading

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SOAS directorate block occupied over brutal deportation of SOAS cleaners University cleaners who won living wage detained after dawn raid Students and allies at the University of London’s School of School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) have occupied the … Continue reading

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80 activists blockade detention centre in Belgium

On the 11th of april 2009 eighty activists blocked the gate of the Steenokkerzeel detention centre in (Belgium). The action started at 5:30 AM, when activists from across the country found their way through the fields surrounding the detention centre, … Continue reading

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November 20th 2008: Shut down BMI Airlines day. Remember Babi! http://noborderswales.wordpress.com/ Everyday, an average of 180 migrants are deported from the UK. That’s one person every eight minutes. They haven’t done anything wrong. Solidarity Without Borders Fri 21st Nov & … Continue reading

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