6 minute read Written by Cody Without Organs What is the weird? When we say something is weird, what kind of feeling are we pointing to? I want to argue that the weird is a particular kind of perturbation. It involves a sensation of wrongness: a weird entity or object is so strange that it… Continue reading Existential Problems Are Real Problems
Author: codywithoutorgans
Defining Sex and Communism with Lacan, Deleuze & Guattari
Introduction This text will aim the redefine what is meant by sex, using and attempting to explain terms used in the psychoanalytic works of Jacques Lacan, and then exploring the movements and critiques made by philosopher Gilles Deleuze and his partner, the Lacanian student Félix Guattari. I start with my style, which means it may… Continue reading Defining Sex and Communism with Lacan, Deleuze & Guattari
JA: Other Jouissance and Becoming-Woman
On Lacan, Deleuze & Guattari, and Slavoj Žižek Thanks to free sources, Lacanian Psychoanalytic terminology and Deleuzo-Guattarian philosophy has been made available and accessible online.
Post/Trans-humanism: Cyborgs and Becoming-Woman
This is a homunculus. It’s a representation of the human model where size equals the amount of neuron activity/quantity of nerves. I think it’s also a funny way to understand difference and representation. As well as some important concepts to do with the critical evaluation of the ‘Human Subject’ and an emergent ontology. Such as; post/trans-humanism,… Continue reading Post/Trans-humanism: Cyborgs and Becoming-Woman
Theory of Bloom – An Interpretation
“Bloom must die! Kill Bloom!” “We may die. And this is what Hardt and Negri warn us must happen. We must destroy ‘ourselves’:“ In the definitions (or one of the definitions at least) of Bloom. In the active finding out of Bloom; who he is, what it does – is in the elimination of the/our… Continue reading Theory of Bloom – An Interpretation
Discourse of the Schizophrenic: Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Dance
I did not write Écrits in order for people to understand them, I wrote them in order for people to read them. Which is not even remotely the same thing. People don’t understand anything, that is perfectly true, for a while, but the writings do something to them. And this is why I would be… Continue reading Discourse of the Schizophrenic: Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Dance
Metaphysics & Reification:
In this, I wish to explore the movement of epistemology and history of philosophy, to look at a certain concept most associated with Georg Lukács. I believe this Marxist concept can be traced in its preconception to a debate between Absolute and Transcendental Idealism. Reification. With this, I want to try and show how reification… Continue reading Metaphysics & Reification:
Deleuze & Guattari on the Dialectic: A schizoanalytic interpretation of Žižek’s Organs Without Bodies
Dialectics or dialectical thinking is one mode of thinking or one way of reaching absolute knowledge. But dialectics then becomes the method of bringing about the reality of dialectics, and to bring about new realities or emancipatory moments (what Foucault calls ‘Limit-experiences”) we can think about other ways of interpreting the dialectic and its key… Continue reading Deleuze & Guattari on the Dialectic: A schizoanalytic interpretation of Žižek’s Organs Without Bodies
Blogs Without Organs
Network23 has provided an excellent platform to upload texts and writings, I will be blogging regularly on topics of philosophy, with extra special regards to Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari. – Cody without Organs