How Books (& thus Public Libraries) Save Lives: Class Diffs, People Potential


Jeanne Benameur’s Les Insurrections Singulières shows a young working class man grow through daring to leave his home -with an elderly lover of books as his guide.

Short of the Basic Income and Universal Health Care (as a Single Payer System), the single most helpful institution for allowing all members of society to contribute to their unique and fulles capacity may be the Public Library system.

Peace and Full Potential for All,
Shira Destinie Jones Landrac, of The MEOW CC Blog

Gregorian Date: Sunday, October 12 2014
TellYourStory Date : Thursday, October 12, 12014 H.E. (Holocene Era, aka Human Era)

About ShiraHoloceneEraDest

Shira Destinie Jones Landrac is a published poet and academic author, former Washington DC Tour Guide, founder of SHIR Tours Community Cooperation Tours, and freelance writer and educator. She has organized community events such as film discussions, multi-ethnic song events, and cooperative presentations. She now lives in France, and continues to work for community cooperation and health for all. She is on LinkedIn and on LinkedIn: and Academia.Edu:
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One Response to How Books (& thus Public Libraries) Save Lives: Class Diffs, People Potential

  1. read: Blackout by Marc Elsberg


    Today’s ‘normal’ date is: Sun Oct 19 2014 14:27:33 GMT+0200
    Today’s U.N. Date is: Thursday, October 19. 12014 H.E. (Holocene Era)

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