Tag Archives: Gandhi

Çok Merci Cumhuriyet -“Nous sommes tous Charlie”

Merci pour soutenir La Laicité et la liberté du presse. Teşşekurler Laicité ve basın özgürlüğü destek ıçın. Thank you for supporting the Separation of Church and State, and freedom of the Press. ShiraDestinie -“Je Suis Charlie” 14 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba … Continue reading

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“I Refuse” = the 2 most powerful words in the English language

Nov. 21st, 2014 09:34 am Original: (http://meowdate.dreamwidth.org/10876.html) We are taught to avoid strangers, which is important, or vigilance, rather, is important, but taught to trust those in authority and close to our families, which may not be the best for … Continue reading

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New book on Community Cooperation to Share

Español “At the turn of the century, both communities developed similar ways of evading White discrimination. Both communities built their own institutions, … ” which “… deepens the connection between them. Cooperation in other areas built ties that would eventually … Continue reading

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