Category Archives: General

Pussy Riot – The Propaganda Model

So much media coverage of the cause celebre Pussy Riot trial and verdict last week. Live coverage of the verdict on BBC News 24 and  almost all of the reporting was sympathetic to the defendants political activism and critical of the … Continue reading

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Statement of Aims

Dundee Anarchists seek to build free and equal communities. Hierarchical power structures are limiting of humanity and creativity, and the root cause of many social and health problems. Anarchists seek to abolish all hierarchies – whether in unaccountable global corporations, … Continue reading

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Dundee Together Against Racism and Fascism

Musicians and entertainers will stand together with trades unionists and community groups to celebrate the city’s  cultural diversity and proud history of rejecting racism and fascism in a Community Carnival planned for Dundee City Square on 1st September. All Dundonians … Continue reading

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