Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising’s Image of Women

I’m tempted to find out where to get that DVD


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Bags and baggage


I remember when those bags came into one world shops. They used to be made from garbage by people who had nothing. Now they are sold on high street and probably produced in sweat shops. Way to go capitalism.

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Spring is in the air


When is it finally going to get warm again, enough with the cold already!

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The Debt Crisis as Just Another Story – Challenging the Need for Cuts

Here is another video about the cuts, via Indymedia Bristol. While it is very interesting, sadly the talk is quite boring, and hard to not get distracted from. Visually it seems to be some kind of powerpoint presentation.

It’s well worth a watch though! Taking this content and actually making it into a film could be a very interesting start for a project. It’s got all the content, only needs some scripting and working on voiceover, pacing and visuals.

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And while I’m rendering the last clip of the day, here goes the best youtube video ever. It doesn’t quite fit in the general theme, but it’s way awesome.

The story has it that this is a real commercial, but was dubbed by an unknown worker at the recording studio. The tapes were discovered years later, and noone knows who came up with the best voice over for a union spot ever.

If anyone knows anything about this clip or how it ended up on youtube, let us know in the comments.

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I read some Marx and I liked it…


We are nearing that part of the day where youtube is no longer healthy. But this gem is shareworthy. Good start, but I suggest they read some other stuff too. They’re so enthusiastic, they’ve even started working on their beards!

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The Crisis of Credit Visualized


This one is trying to do what’s on the cover. The sound works really well, I’m not a fan of the colours, but that’s not really the point here. It works heavily with titles, and is well paced. More an attempt to explain very concretely what triggered this specific crisis (and very focused on the States), not so much trying to explain the general concept of capitalism. It works well though, and I actually do get the impression I’m learning something when watching. Although for some reason I don’t fully trust it.

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The Impossible Hamster


Another analogy: The market with it’s need for constant growth as a hamster that ends up eating earth. It doesn’t really reference the idea behind the growing markets very much, so while it is very cute, I’m kinda missing something here and watching it leaves me a bit unsatisfied.

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The Story of Stuff


There’s a lot of people who just love The Story of Stuff. The way it’s talked about, you would think it’s the latest movie by the Cohen brothers – but better! I have to say, I find the presenter quite annoying. It’s just a bit too American for me, she sounds like a parody to me tbh.

So this one is using a presenter, interacting with some animation. The animation is fine, and I’m a fan of statistics. But this whole idea stands and falls with the viewer liking the presenter, and that’s a dangerous thing. Because part of the audience will always dislike the presenter, even if they are interested in the content or message of the film.

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RSAnimate – Crises of Capitalism


RSAnimate is a series of talks made into animations by adding drawings on a whiteboard. It’s an extremely well executed concepts, and I envy the artist’s drawing skills. Very simple concepts: take a talk and make drawings to illustrate what is being said and make it more engaging and entertaining. You should check out the other films from the series, if you haven’t seen them.

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