Korea Herald, Film explores stories from Jeju massacre

Jane Jin Kaisen, a visual artist who was adopted from Korea to Denmark, bases her art on questions around memory, history and migration. 

It is within this framework that she tackled one of the biggest massacres in modern Korean history ― the Jeju uprising on April 3, 1948. 

Kaisen’s film, “Reiterations of Dissent,” opens with Hyun Ki-young recounting his memories of the event. He was just 7 years old when it started. He remembers seeing crows dancing in the wind, when one dropped something from the sky ― someone’s scalp.

The full article is available at: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20150326001233

Artist Hong Sung-dam supports Gangjeong villagers 

On 17 April 2015, artist Hong Sung-dam holds the flag to show his support to Gangjeong villagers in front of his impressive artwork. It had to be recreated before the exhibition in Berlin as the Korean courier refused to deliver his artwork due to its ‘political’ nature.

Further details about the exhibition are available from

http://www.verbotenebilder.net/data/pages/pages-en/exhibition/exhibition.php [English]

https://www.facebook.com/events/444159805759781/ [English/German/Korean]

http://www.koreaverband.de/termin/eroeffnung-verbotene-bilder/ [German]


Free screening of ‘Reiterations of Dissent’

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/86655988

‘Reiterations of Dissent’ concerns the suppressed history and fragmented memories of the Jeju April Third Massacre of 1948. During this time genocide was committed onto large parts of the civilian population on Jeju Island. Six video narratives uncover various underlying political motivations and portray how different aspects of un-reconciled trauma keep resonating in the present landscape of Jeju Island, in literature, in the memories of survivors and relatives, and in shamanic rituals mediating between the living and the dead.

<거듭되는 항거>는 1948년 수많은 제주 주민들이 집단 학살을 당한 제주 4.3 사건의 억압된 역사와 흩어진 기억에 대해 얘기한다. 여섯 개의 내러티브 형식 비디오로 구성된 이 작품은 이 사건 배후의 정치적 계략을 파헤치고 나아가 현대 제주의 풍경 곳곳에, 문학 작품에, 생존자들과 희생자 가족들의 기억 속에, 그리고 산 자와 죽은 자 사이 매개가 되어주는 굿과 같은 의식에, 깊이 베어 있는 아직도 해소되지 못한 트라우마의 흔적을 쫓는다.

South Korea/Denmark, 59 minutes, Language: Korean & English, Subtitles: Korean/English

Book your place via Eventbrite: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-screening-of-reiterations-of-dissent-and-discussion-with-the-director-tickets-16742862352?aff=efbevent