Apartheid Profiteer: Hewlett Packard

HP owns Electronic Data Systems (EDS) which heads a consortium providing biometric monitoring of checkpoint, including several inside the West Bank in violation of international law; has full responsibility for the management and operation of the Navy’s IT infrastructure. [Note: Israeli Navy has attacked ships carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza; regularly attacks Gaza’s fishermen within Gaza’s own territorial waters, and often shells civilian areas in the Gaza Strip.]

HP provides on-going support and maintenance to a biometric ID system installed in Israeli checkpoints in the occupied West Bank which deprive Palestinians of the freedom of movement in their own land and allows the Israeli military occupation to grant or deny special privileges to the civilians under its control. HP is also working with the Israeli government to manufacture and distribute a biometric ID system for all Israeli citizens, which categorizes citizens by their ethnic background and serves to discriminate against Arab citizens. HP manages the IT infrastructure for the Israeli navy and supplies the Israeli army with equipment and services specific to the needs of the military occupation. It is involved in the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of the intricate mechanisms of physical separations and restrictions of movement. HP also supports Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land by providing a computerised storage system to an illegal settlement.

And in the prison system. Corporate Watch:

We met ‘Salah’* at his home in Beit Hanoun in the Northern Gaza Strip a few weeks after his release from seven years prison in Israel. A celebration tent had been set up in his house since his release. We wanted to speak to Salah about the conditions for sick patients in Israeli jails, the particular problems for prisoners from Gaza and the complicity of international companies like G4S and Hewlett Packard in the Israeli prison system. The Ketziot prison where Salah spent some of his period of imprisonment has been receiving services from British/Danish company G4S since 2007. […]

Oh, and HP loves “bags of cash”.

More Information

Website: http://www.hp.com

Profiles: WhoProfits: HEWLETT PACKARD (HP) (Last updated: January 28, 2014); SourceWatch: Hewlett-Packard Company; CorporateWatch: Hewlett Packard

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