my dog

I committed myself to keep a dog, in a previous dream.

This dog had a strange capaicity to turn into a human being when allowed in a social setting for long enough. My friend and I had a short conversation with him sitting in the living room and he seemed happy enough to stay in my room and never come out, as dogs were not allowed in the premises.

I felt uneasy when he turned into a man not because of the transformation, but because his body language made it so much clearer that this being was going to be an utter parasite. He sat at the table eating as much food as he could and not talking much, just taking what was being offered to him and not offering at least an attitude of being helpful.

So we went to my room and by then he was a dog again and he just sat in a corner, then he laid down and slept and I just continued with my life without ever taking much notice of him/it. He/it also seem to be invisible to visits, so he was never a problem in that sense. But I did resent having to get him food and at some point just stopped doing that. The dog was never very lively so he just laid in his corner and never made a sign of life, never complained. But he was still living as a parasite.

I realised the dog was probably hungry or thirsty. I was prepared to give him water so I looked for a recipient for dogs around my room but could not find anything useful. I tried some of my own stuff but nothing was good enough for a dog to lick water from.

I decided to take him to the kitchen to find something from where he could drink water. I had to lure him a bit to get him out of his corner but from then on it was easy to just walk downstair to the kitchen, as he was turning into a man of about my age. By the time we got to the kitchen he was a full human being although he didn’t speak much. He just sat at a corner of the table, next to the wall, and drank and ate as much as he could, but slowly this time. I also sat there, observing him and looking at how he was sitting, perfectly calm and matter-of-factly, and thought once more how much of a parasite he was.

In an unusual calm way for me, I told him I could not have him any more, as it was clear that I was not looking after him properly. I remember that bit of the dialogue well:

“But you are looking well after me”.
“No, you are clearly starving, and thank goodness I don’t need to clean you”.
“I have a shelter, and you give me food, and you are being great”.
“I do not want to have you.”
“Ah, now we are being honest and clear.”
“I can not have you. There was some one who did want you, who was it”
“He could not have me, remember?”

And I did remember. Suddenly my friend was in the kitchen again with us explaining this long story of why he so badly wanted this dog but he could not have it, he was there explaining for so long, and I was so not interested, that by the time he left our kitchen I wondered if he had been there at all or if it had been just me remembering that he had been here with us when I had ended up with the dog in the first place.

Then this lad started to do all kind of things that are not allowed in social rules. He got other people’s things and started to play with them, and most of the times, also breaking them. I told him he could not do that, but he was not listening and he enjoyed playing with things, picking them up then mostly breaking them then discarding them. I decided I only had two options, either get him out of the house right then or getting him to my room and not feed him and just let him starve.

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