
There was a party next door but I decided I was not well enough to go. Then a friend came; she wanted to go somewhere far with me, I said I was a bit ill but I really wanted to go with her so I sneaked out and went. We went to another friend’s house and had a fairly good time. Then this friend wanted us to go to a party the following day. I asked him where it was and he mentioned “Islington Street”. He took out an iPad with a map application. The idea was that I would learn where it was and then get directly there from home. But it was difficult, so my friend from home said, ‘maybe it is easier to meet here in this house, and then you find the place?’ I disagreed, I did not think it made sense to come on my bike all the way here and then back south; going directly to the place would save me about an hour biking, if I didn’t get lost.

The friend with the iPad found the street while I had been talking and without giving me time to look it up he said, ‘we’re getting on my van to find the place now’. We all got on the van. I didn’t know the streets but I tried to memorise the way .

At one point we went through a park. Then to our left there were some derelict workshops. On the wall of one of them there was a neat graffito that read something like “tito”. I wanted to read what it said. The friend sitting on the back seat said it said something like ‘I have moved workshops, to find me ask tito’.

We arrived to the place, saw it and where it was, and then I went back home.

Once at home, one of my jugs, which were in the communal cupboard so every one could use it, was broken. One of my housemates wanted to explain, he started but he could not continue. I assured him it was not a big deal if he didn’t want to explain now, he could do that whenever he wanted. I said: I will ask you next Friday, or Saturday (I thought, what day is it today?), I will ask you what is wrong with this jug. I looked at it and it did look like it was a lot older than the last time I had seen it, but I could not figure out exactly what was wrong with it.

The next day I headed to the party. On the way I saw a man advertising his business. He was offering anonymity in telephone contracts. He was explaining his business to some television channel team. In the party I saw my father, and he said he had seen the man on tv but he did not understand what the man did. I explained it to him. He thought it was something that was actually necessary, although we all feared that the man had put himself in the weakest link, because if some one wanted to know what phone-calls any one had made, all they had to do was grab the man’s files.

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