Tag Archives: church

Sing a song in church

I was with Mum in a church. She wanted a special happening for me at the end of some kind of mass. We prepared this with the priest. It had some kind of significance and also some kind of supposed immediate effect. Mum wanted some guarantee from the priest that it would be effective and the priest obliged.

I was not so concerned with how effective it was, I thought the act itself would be nice. It would consist in some kind of announcement by the priest and then I would read something, or sign something.

Then the time to perform came. We sat in church and waited impatiently for the moment when the priest would solemnly announce that I was about to do this important thing in front of the congregation. When the moment came, the priest briefly said that I could do my thing and left the church. My mum was livid.

I was perplexed, and enquired him with a interrogating glance, my face showing the expression it shows when I am asking a question. He motioned likewise, as if saying: “come on you know the deed, just get on with it, you don’t need me”. And he left the church, leaving me to basically run the show. So I read my thing and decided that, since I was free, I could also sign a song, so I did. It was all very pretty although not as solemn as mum had been aiming for and prepared. At the end of it I was satisfied, it had not gone as expected but it had not been bad. But mum was still livid and extremely angry with the priest.

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