Who Is Helping Who?

It’s funny…people will reach out to me….we will talk….spend time together….all the miscellaneous things friends do.  I always feel like I’m being a good friend and providing a break from their monotony or loneliness.

Then it happens….

They’ll start talking like they’ve been helping me…and my insides will scream… “WHAT!!!! you help me? I mean you’re the one lonely…I’m fine.”  They’ll start mentoring me in things I already know…Like you really should get your oil changed…or you do realize this is just the way it is at work, or home, or Church, or whatever.

But the truth is we’ve been helping each other…I feel sort of stupid in writing that because it is so obvious…when you’re helping someone else they are also helping you…but I think we forget…I forget.  I mean when people give me financial advice or personal advice or advice about work…it’s things that I’ve heard a thousand times before…but I probably need to here it again.

John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

I’ll forget about that scripture above or I’ll forget this quote…”There is no path to happiness…happiness is the path.”  I know that…so why do I usually just stop at saying that or reading it again and saying to myself I know that and do nothing?

…and the thing is that I was happy and free when I was just helping them…then I had to go and think about it….and let my ego get involved.  I was doing something…the Will of God.  Worry over nothing, pray without ceasing, and be thankful in everything….and be happy.

The true gift is giving while you are receiving and being thankful for it…even if you are hearing it for the millionth time.  I need to always have someone feel they are helping me even when I don’t think I need it…if nothing else it keeps me teachable for when I really really do.


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