La misma vieja mierda en nebulosa

Es lamentable que este blog terminó siendo utilizado como motivo de la nebulosa para causar más daño a Hansen y otros ex empleados. Decidimos celebrar de nuevo en algunas de las informaciones que teníamos la esperanza de que el litigio por la nebulosa se desvanecería cuando se dan cuenta que no hay nada que puedan hacer para detenernos. Nosotros no estamos afiliados a Paul Hansen en absoluto. Si bien su situación, sin duda nos animó a tomar medidas, este blog es más grande que sólo la historia de Paul Hansen. Simple y sencillamente, somos los enemigos jurados de Daniel Nel. Nunca vamos a parar hasta que escupir sobre su cadáver.

¿Por qué? La codicia. Hubris.

Danie Nel es un corto hombre pequeño, feo, despreciable. Él es un cobarde y un ser humano vil. Él manipula y usa a la gente para hacer el trabajo sucio, la destrucción de los pueblos vive mientras él se hace pasar por los inocentes en espectador.

Nebulosa había servido más documentos legales en Hansen y lo culpó por este blog. Supongo Hansen es un blanco fácil, y sus francos escapadas de medios sociales ciertamente no ayudó a su causa. Hansen ha finalizado la comunicación con nosotros, así que no tenemos idea de cuál es la situación con él en la actualidad, pero le deseamos lo mejor. Nos enteramos de que DS y Cornel Dannhauser También se estableció contacto y amenazaron con acciones legales si no firmaban el apoyo a las declaraciones juradas de culpar Hansen para este blog.

Corre el rumor de que Hendricks cedió y firmó una declaración jurada en apoyo de la nebulosa. ¡Qué gran espectáculo de gratitud hacia Hansen! Bueno, hay una lección de vida para usted. A la mierda todos los demás y cuidar de ti mismo.

Vamos a hablar de los otros empleados de espuma nebulosa.

Irónicamente Pablo Tzanos fue despedido de la iglesia se desempeñó como tesorero. Al parecer fue sorprendido malversación de fondos. ¿Qué clase de hijo de puta le roba a Dios? Probablemente, la misma clase de hijo de puta que dice ser cristiano y entonces se encuentra en las declaraciones juradas. Ser cristiano es una cosa, pero ser un hipocrate … no hay nada peor que un hipocrate (a excepción de Danie Nel). Niños Paul Tzanos ‘algún día ver este blog y le preguntarán a su papá por qué la gente que lo odian tanto. Papá les arrojan alguna respuesta mierda, pero tomarlo de nosotros. Tu papá es un cobarde falsa y cuando llega el momento de que la mierda más de un día, usted puede contar con su papá para hacer precisamente eso.

Jacques van Zyl sigue siendo el mismo viejo coño baboso que siempre ha sido.

El resto de los Orcos de Mordor siguen trabajando como un burro en la nebulosa por un salario mínimo, pero al parecer en un edificio nuevo y bonito. Parece que Danie ha conseguido por fin una oficina de bienes!

Artículo siguiente – todo acerca de la enfermedad Danie Nel!


The exact reasons why Nebula were kicked out of Woolworths

Coming soon! Compiling articles and intel.

This article will provide factual details of the reasons Nebula lost their Woolworths contract. We uncover the attempted bribes and manipulation tactics used against Woolworths staff.

Also exposed is how Nebula employees were threatened and bullied while based at Woolworths. Employees were harassed to do everything in their power to avoid losing the contract. The only reason the contract was lost – abuse of power.

Nebula thought they were indispensable. They were wrong.


Nebula have bullied many employees – Here’s another one

Nic <> 11 September 2012 11:38 PM To: ‘Paul’ <>
RE: CCMA with Nebula


Hi ….herewith my story!

Although I have never been a permanent employee of Nebula, my recurring contract with them, for a period of 3.5 years, was(is) deemed to have the same value as a permanent contract with them. My outstanding fees were also unilaterally decreased, and I received about a third of what they owed me in May 2010. My six month contract of Sep 2006 just kept on being renewed based on requests by Nebula to assist them with a variety of initiatives – all of them based on my initiation of these matters.

Whilst I was busy negotiating a JV with Nebula over the period Mar 2010-May 2010, I received an abrupt and surprising notification from Nebula that my services are no longer required. At this time I had provided a JV business plan, and we had a draft contract under discussion for the JV to operate in the Telco market. My immediate reaction was to notify them that I will seek legal advice prior to response, and at the same time register the case with the CCMA.

This sparked a comedy of harassment activities by them:

  • I was summoned in writing to a disciplinary hearing, citing the most ludicrous charges. – I declined the “invite” as I was not a permanent employee, and legal advice indicated that by attending this “hearing” I’d be admitting to the charges having merit, and that I view myself as subject to Nebula’s employment policies and practices.
  • As a result of the above not working for them, Nebula proceeded to attempt obtaining an “urgent supreme court interdict” against me “operating in unlawful competition” with them.
  • Their “case” was that I was associated with Telfree (I am a value added reseller) – a virtual telecom carrier – and that Telfree was a direct competitor to them. – My response, supported by a Telfree affidavit blew this out of the water, in that Telfree sells technology solutions and Nebula (being supplier and technology agnostic) sells an advisory consulting service. The analogy being that if Telfree was a “competitor”, so would Telkom, MTN, Vodacom, Cell C, etc be – which of course is ludicrous.
  • Hereafter they challenged Telfree directly, and of course in the process making a dog and pony show at trying to discredit me, reaching the levels of “IP theft” and a variety of equally unfounded allegations. – Telfree discounted them with extreme disdain and made it clear that it will do business with whomever it seems fit and that should Nebula continue along this course, Telfree will act in its own interest against Nebula.
  • This added further fuel to the fire. In their responses they continued to try and “threaten” me at what could happen to me if found “guilty”, and that their case is so strong that neither the supreme court nor the CCMA will entertain my case.The results were as follows:
  • They did not feel strong enough to face my response to their summons and allegations in the first supreme court hearing, hence they asked for a postponement of the case.
  • They did not pitch at the first CCMA session. Supposedly because D.M.Nel was overseas – of which no proof was provided to me at the time.
  • They lodged a second response to the supreme court, now citing immaterial “dirty washing” type of matters to try and strengthen the case – also “offering” to “settle” if I was willing to drop the CCMA case. They seemed petrified at the CCMA case for some reason.
  • I did neither.
  • The case went to the supreme court for the second hearing, and on the same morning they offered to settle. Practically on the steps of the court. They would pay my damages and legal fees, as well as issue a communiqué to everyone involved as to the “amicable settlement” of the matter – provided I drop the CCMA case.
  • I accepted the offer – they paid and I was happy.

I am also aware that they have used the same attempted “scare tactics” with a number of people that resigned from Nebula. Some bit the bullet and went through with their plans, and some, sad as it may seem, ran scared of protracted legal entanglement and remained with the company. Nebula appears to have a culture of “rule by fear”, fuelled by a philosophy that the whole world is their competition and no one can work for any other company but Nebula. This paranoia in my view is deeply rooted in the CEO’s personal make-up, and will not change so long as the belief exists that their outdated and rather flimsy product offering is “state of the art”. In fact what Nebula offers, can be procured from many other companies with a much more sophisticated and professional offering.

