What a load of shit!

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This is why I never trust conspiracy theories especially around protests.

The car being towed is from April 2011:


Conspiracy theories are not just embarrassing but completely regressive. True the world is not black and white but most of the crap spewed out by conspiracy theorists is just that, crap.

As for the truncheon, I have no idea but all I do know is that when undercover coppers go well, undercover, they generally tend to wear a utility belt holding their gear. And the shiny hair and shoes? Are we all supposed to be a bunch of scruffs on demos? Also what use would an agent provocateur have for a truncheon? It’s going to look a bit dodgy a deep undercover copper wielding a truncheon around in the air. Not even the police are that daft.

Where conspiracy theories in general are concerned, especially “Illuminati” based ones, I recommend people read this:
