Oh The Sun, what would we do without you?

So pseudo-comic The Sun has excelled itself today with the latest “anarchist” scare story.

Sensationally spread across the front cover in typical grotesque Sun style, it claimed that on the 5th November’s “Million Mask March” washout that one horse was stabbed, another had its legs slashed and fireworks were throw purposefully at the police horses (Implied). Also guilty of this is Horse Talk, some shit New Zealand website about horses.

There are a few points why I think this does not sound quite right.

  • The police horse supposedly stabbed in the eye – Police horses wear visors protecting the eyes and middle to upper parts of the face. How could it be possible to stab a horse in the eye through a visor?
  • Legs slashed – Horses were not close enough to the protestors whilst stationary and whilst mobile they were either running away or moving very fast in other directions. The speed police horses go at whilst in action make it very difficult for a human to be able to slash its legs. Anyone who has ever faced or even seen a police horse in action will know that. If legs were slashed whilst stationary why were the perpetrators not arrested then? Anyway where is the proof? Videos? Photos of injuries? None released so far, a bit suspicious I think.
  • Fireworks were thrown at police horses Fireworks were not purposefully targeted at police horses rather the pigs riding on top of them.

Look, if police horses were deliberately targeted then fair enough such actions should be condemned and the perpetrators given a good seeing to by us. However the horses were not the targets, horses may have been injured as collateral damage (Which is bad enough) which is to be expected if you have coward pigs (The actual intended targets) riding on top of them. Tell the filth to stop being cowards and come down off the horses and face people one-on-one. But they will not because they are cowards. In fact it is a form of abuse to purposefully take an animal into a situation whereby it can be subjected to harm and intimidation whether intended or otherwise. This is all so a few pigs can feel big, mighty and safe riding on top of them.

As evidence of this we have the word of the police (Which we know is always the absolute truth because the police have never lied) and a few tweets of photographs of police horses, no injuries or solid proof shown.

But what about Anonymous?

I have seen the way Anonymous can go on and how reckless they are (I have kicked off with them on the streets about how reckless they can be), I hate Anonymous so no love lost for them here. ANONYMOUS ARE NOT ANARCHISTS, they are a rather dubious bunch of people without a set level of politics and/or without a set political tradition. They more or less pride themselves on this fact. It is lazy reporting on the part of The Sun and other media outlets to simply pluck a political label out of the air and slap it on a bunch of people who do not subscribe to it.

Having said all of this The Sun is not exactly know for fair and accurate reporting a la Hillsborough, the great miner’s strike of 1984-1985 and the Wapping dispute and on and on and on.