But “we” are being bled dry!

So we have it, absolute confirmation that “we” are being bled dry by migrants from the “EU”. Confirmation you say? Well ermmm, a mere 6% of the UK population are migrants from the “EU” and a mere 2.2% of benefits claimants are “EU” migrants.

On top of this, “EU” migrants generate £463 PER SECOND in revenue for the exchequer. According to City A.M. “once the costs of government spending on immigrants are taken into account, migrants generate a net benefit to the economy of £55 per second.” Also according to Rapid Formations “EU” migrants contribute 13.5% more in taxes than they receive in benefits.

But yeah, those are “EU” migrants” in general, the majority are ‘scrounging Romanians and Bulgarians’ (So the narrative goes)…except the majority of “EU” migrants are from Spain, Poland and France.

And finally “The vast majority of EU migrants who came to the UK in 2013/14 – 62 per cent – came to Britain to work. In fact, a third already had a job waiting for them, according to the report.”

Being bled dry by “EU” migrants are “we”? Hardly!

I am no liberal and I am anti-EU (As I am anti-statist and anti-states in general and the EU is a neo-liberal super state). I realise that this is an argument pointing out how much the state is fed in taxes etc. and a slightly liberal argument but the narrative is that “EU” migrants are likened to leeches and parasites when the in fact, on the basis of that very argument the facts show different. I honestly could not give a shit how much the UK has available in taxes to spend on funding the police, prisons, arms industry; judiciary, MI5/MI6/GCHQ/DIS and the military so they can commit murder and pillage around the world and cover up child abuse. My argument is that the general anti-“EU” migrant narrative is absolute bollocks. The anti-migrant narrative in general is bollocks and that is what I am simply pointing out on the basis of the false arguments put forward by right-wingers and their cheer leaders in the general populace.

(Source (Because I am not Britain First or the EDL): http://www.cityam.com/213058/eu-immigrants-contribute-463-second-uk-economy)