So Shane ‘Diddyman’ Calvert of circus outfit North West Infidels is either a grass or a paedophile. Neither would surprise me at all!
On another note it is also interesting that the Liverpool Echo reported that no one took any notice of National Action on their unannounced and so brave venture into Liverpool. If they are so brave then they should announce it next time. National Action failed at the White Man March in Liverpool (And Newcastle as some of them got battered outside of their meeting point, a pub in Newcastle city centre), failed to go back to Liverpool two or three times since and failed this time around. This time around they failed simply because they lost their bottle and did not announce it, failed because they did not march and failed because no one took any notice of them (As in the general public). No one noticed until a week later when they posted a video. As it turns out they claim they had 30 with them but can only produce photos showing around 18. They also claimed to have marched but have since provided no photos or videos of this march, nor any independent eyewitness accounts. They claimed to have “smashed the red citadel”, well fellas, if that is a ‘smashing’ then I think you all need to work on your swing a bit more. Their chants apparently “rang throughout the streets” but was ugly fucker Wayne Jarvie and mammy’s boy Jack Renshaw on a megaphone speaking to errm, hardly anyone. The only people who paid any attention to them at the pier head were a few largely (Non-white) tourists. They basically stopped at a few points for some photos and went home. They even protested outside of the town hall and a union building which both just happened to be closed as it was a Saturday.They also claim to represent the “proud working class people of Liverpool” (Despite being believers in nationalism, which is a cross-class concept) but the actual proud working class people of Liverpool showed the world exactly what they think of the likes of National Action. They also claimed to have ‘proven’ that the opposition to last August’s White Man March was a “staged event”. Well it may come as news to you fellas but EVERY counter-demo is “staged”. Also on their video (Which they claim is proof of them having marched in the city) they show themselves for about 30 seconds walking along a pavement and then across some grass. A simple walk is not a “march” you bunch of clowns! They also use the slogan “defend hipster living” making them basically pro-gentrification and as a result pro-capitalist. Then again they are state pawns and a bunch of middle class mistakes at birth so it is hardly surprising. For all the faults of the hipster way of life and the negative effects it has on the working class communities they have colonised and the ones around them, I am pretty sure the last people they would want latching on to them are a bunch of no marks like National Action. Interesting to note, at its very origin, hipster was an LGBTQ and quite a Bohemian scene (Although what it has mutated into is a monster), two things they hate. But not that I am bothered about hipsters, they are as destructive to working-class communities as fascists are but of course in a different way. They are welcome to each other but like I said before, I doubt that even hipsters would want to breathe the same air as them (And that is saying something).
Well done fellas, brilliant, the great city and people of Liverpool really took a thrashing! Hahahahaha
National Action pulled around 18 whereas Liverpool pulled this many (And more) last August: