

Hello all, I have decided to set up a blog where I can rant, moan, talk shit and put the world to rights. I have finally done the one thing that I vowed never to do and set up a personal blog because before I did not want to become part of what I called the ‘online anarchist ghetto’. But I decided to go against my own position and join the online anarchist blogosphere (Hey, at least I’m not a Tumblr wanker!). I want this to be a place where I can contribute to debates, add my own perspectives on issues and give my own opinions on things in general. I do not write like some fucking academic ‘theorist’ (A word which implies I am somehow unable to think for myself) from the lofty heights of the all-knowing ivory towers of the anarchist pseudo-intellectual ghetto. I write how I feel and how I think, sometimes a coherent argument and sometimes just a rant but it all depends on the subject and how I feel at the time.

I am working-class and fiercely proud of it and want to see the class put back into the politics but I do not go in for the “if it is working-class then it is intrinsically good” argument and my views vary. I aim to be relevant and interesting and also controversial because like a friend and former lover of mine once said “if you’ve pissed someone off then you know that you’re doing something right” so if you are pissed off by what I say on this blog, I could not give a fuck because said friend also said “for every person who disagrees there’s always someone who agrees”. Having said that, I want to win people over to my arguments and most importantly, encourage them to form their own ideas in the spirit of free thinking. The spreading of diverse ideas is important and fundamental to our growth from ‘scene’ to ‘movement’. We still need to break out of the ghetto that we seem to be stuck in but aside from general issues around social justice and other things of interest to our class, I would also like to write about things of specific concern to the anarchist scene. I would like to write about specifically anarchist things without dogmatism and in an accesible and easy to read way. One thing we need to do is stop looking inward and start looking outward, start to nurture the apathetic instead of fucking them off, these are the people we need to win over because if we don’t then we’re fucked!

I will try to be short and straight to the point when possible but some things require a lot to be said. I welcome comments (“well said” or “you talk total shit”) but I don’t want to get into lengthy online debates which can go on and on and end up nowhere. This is a major problem with politics online. To this end, if you are looking to debate me on here then do not bother, I just want to say my piece then go. I want to say my piece online and my online politics ends here, I love and encourage debate and disagreement, critique and constructive criticism but; part of the problem is that anarchism spends too much time online and not enough time in the real world. If you want to debate me then debate me offline, debate me on the barricades but not on here. I love debate in the real life, I never shy away from it but online arguments and debates are by-and-large annoying as fuck and I can not be arsed with them and they lead to nowhere. Also, they only reinforce the ghetto and not engaging in the online ghetto is one way of avoiding becoming part of both the online and wider scene ghetto.

Having said all of that, just to begin with, I want to make my first few posts about issues which are going on in the scene. After that, fuck the ghetto (Fuck it now infact)! At the moment the blog looks like total shit but it is still being built so please bear that in mind.

Also, I will NEVER EVER apologise for offending trendy lefties…NEVER!

Class Unity, Class Pride,
The Obscene Turtle

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