Just a sweet little message…


A lot of people seem to be moving to Berlin in order to live the antifa dream but unless you are moving there for work, family, relationship, asylum or whatever other perfectly valid reason then please, stay where you are. Fascists do exist where you are, even if it is just one loner fantasising about the SS then that is one too many. By moving to Berlin you are creating a deficit where you are already. Besides, Berlin is not that much different to other places in Germany, or elsewhere for that matter, in terms of politics etc. If I am to be brutally honest, political long-term tourists and hipster politicos are more a part of the problem than a part of the solution. You are needed where you are. By all means if you go to Berlin for some valid reason and want to be active there then thumbs up, great but if you go to Berlin solely to be politically active then please kindly do one!