And the award for the worst blockade goes to…

…the Cry and Dash Squad aka. “Pie and Mash Squad”, a shit group of ugly twats and plastic football casuals. Yesterday tried and failed to blockade a Portsmouth pro-refugee demo. Also they hate us so much that they try to adopt our tactics (Blockade and black bloc style of dress), sad bunch of loner fucks.

Hilarious when one of them tried to grab the banner and just failed miserably. Also there are less than a handful of them there but I suppose they actually bothered to turn up this time (A la (Plastic) Casuals United, which is their previous incarnation and also in their current form, Pie and Mash Squad). But they turned up to oppose a demo which looking at them are slightly liberal types (Although that is just an observation not concrete fact) so, hardly brave is it?

The demo also broke through their flimsy lines but what is most hilarious is the ugly thing filming the pro-refugee demo with its phone. I seriously thought that even Pie and Mash Squad would have had slightly more standards than to bring that out with them. Next time lads keep it in its cage. Also that grey haired bloke with the bin bag jacket, seriously mate? Really? At least try next time!