On the Paris tragedy

So it looks as if there will be three categories of people who will selfishly gain from the tragic and cowardly massacre in Paris last night. Those who will benefit will be 1) those who did the killing (Daesh), 2) those who will go on to kill (Daesh (IS), French, British, U.S., Turkish, Syrian, Russian and other states, far-right clowns etc.) and 3) those who will exploit this for their own sick game (Far-right groups and individuals, anti-Muslim bigots, the military industrial complex, various states, security industrial complex etc.).

We should not allow our grief, sorrow and solidarity to become a tool for the state to justify its murder and repression to come and curbs on what superficial liberties we have. We must not allow them to turn our cries into thunder from above bringing more death and destruction to yet more innocent lives, as well as the persecution and anti-Muslim bile which will cheerlead that.

We should not allow our grief, sorrow and solidarity to become a tool for far-right and anti-Muslim pricks. Our concern for the tragedy in Paris is not a vindication and justification for the far-right and anti-Muslim sickness. The far-right/anti-Muslims and Daesh (IS), Al-Nusra etc. have more in common with each other than they would like to admit.

My utmost sympathy goes out to the murdered, injured and scared of Paris.

Rest In Peace!