On November 15, comrade J. Kouvedakis went to court for the incident with DI.AS group in Victoria Square on the day of Imia (01/30/2016). The same day, several comrades were also on trial, after they were arrested on 31/10 for their actions to protect Prosfygika, Av. Alexandra, from fascists and state repression. Their trial has been postponed before. Comrades in solidarity gathered early in the morning and filled the halls of the court.

The Charges (the first comrade):

– Resistance
– Disturbing public peace
– Threating bodily harm against police
– Serious injury of police
– Destruction of property
– Refusal to give fingerprints
– Bearing Arms

The only witnesses of the court were six policemen DI.AS. The two of them ”recognized” the comrade, saying he attacked them with chairs, stones, helmets, bats and damaged police cars and motorcycles. A third, prompted by his partner, said that may he also though this comrade was involved and, though initially he did not recognize him! Based on the file, the driver of the patrol said the arrest was a result of damage to the vehicle. Meanwhile the cop DI.AS who made the arrest said it occurred away from the damaged care. The third policeman cast doubt on the claims in the file saying that the person who damaged the police car had a black helmet, while the comrade in question was wearing a helmet of light grey! The pair who made the initial accusation, as well as the third, made contradictory statements (on file) as to both the conception and the characteristics of the offender. Despite the contradictory data during cross examinations, the police maintained their initial testimony. Photographs, from a news website, were produced as evidence, which quite clearly showed to the police using chairs as a weapon.

At the end the comrade had a chance to speak, giving a statement the exposed political nature of the trial. The expected verdict is not only directed against him, but against the entire anti-fascist movement and its strategies against the fascists and repression. Anti-fascism is war against oppression and poverty, which are born by the state and capital. The global political and economic system that is responsible for the poverty of the people and for the wars of European and American imperialism in the Middle East. The police and the fascists have a common role, namely to safeguard the interests of the political and economic elite, and suppress any attempt by the oppressed class for social liberation.

The Jury continuously interrupted, in order to devalue the political motivations and defense of the comrade. In particular, the place and time of the arrest are directly related to the anti-fascist mobilizations during this period. The arrest took place in an area where refugees and immigrants are housed, on a day commemorating fascists of Golden Dawn, Imia. The Greek government helps shape the global political-economic regime, participating in imperialist interventions, forcibly displacing the people their homes and neighborhoods. Cops and fascists, ensure that the masses are squeezed out of such places, that they do not have the social territory to organize for liberation. Local people, immigrants and refugees must struggle together against oppression and exploitation.

At the insistence of the judge to testify as to his whereabouts on that day, the comrade replied he had taken part in an antifascist march. This started in Victoria Square, where there was already a calling for minimum solidarity with the refugees and migrants residing there. The march was an act against repression and the mercenaries of the state, with the result that part of the march was already mobilized to move against the police forces. He disputed the allegation that the police forces were already in the square because a series of small fights and confrontations had already alerted the march and the police to each other’s presence. The comrade denied the accusations of the police, and politically defended the need for immediate action against state, police and fascists. He closed by stressing that the fight for equality, freedom, solidarity continues in the streets. Wherever they meet, communicate and self-organize, the struggle for class revolt and social liberation grows stronger.

The prosecutor was, obviously, embarrassed during the speech where the comrade recognized the signs of class war – poverty, oppression and dynamics of social liberation struggle. Standing at critical jargon partner against class and defended as the 750 employees! He proposed condemning the comrade to 19 months imprisonment with 3 years suspended sentence on charges of corruption and attacks on policemen.

In conclusion, we can say that those who defend the antiauthoritarian struggle must be aware that we will not be treated equally in courts, even without strong incriminating information. The political nature of this trial was enough to override and support police lawlessness. Unsuprisingly, as the judiciary is part of the state, which ensures the safety of the capitalist system from any actions aimed at destabilization, a system which caused the suffering of all peoples of the planet.

Self-organization, direct connections, and horizontal organization in the oppressed class disturbs those protected by the fascists and state repression. The struggle is given without sacrifices and roses in hands. Despite convictions and repression, the struggle for freedom will always remain open and we need only our will to realize it.





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