Who did what, and where are we now…?


Increased public spending, could have been a bad move.  Well, what did it achive? Poverty for the young and the old fell, yes decreased, went down.  There where fewer children going to school with empty bellies, fewer pensioners freezing to death on thier own in the winter.  The increase led to those of us who are more in need, getting what they needed!  Hospitals also improved.


Decrease public spendng, could have been a good move. Well, what did it achive? Rise in numbers of  desperate people dependent on food banks.  Yea people could afford to buy the 3rd most basic need as humans!  In 2011/12 almost a million more people were driven into poverty coz 1.5 billion of support was taken away from them.

Well shit on me!  Its pretty clear cut who cares….. and it an’t UKIP…

More top-down reorganisation of the NHS and more taxpayer money spent on politicians’ salaries.  Forcing overseas visitors to pay for private healthcare instead of the NHS.  Discriminating against people coz their grandparents weren’t born locally – black people, Asian people, white people, Jewish people… No social housing for you.

I could go on, but its getting boring.  Whats important, what does the government really need to focus on?  I think Labour where heading in the right direction.  With fuck ups like war, continuing with PFI,  and not buying the banks out right people want to walk away from them and towards UKIP.  I say walk away from UKIP and towards Labour, or maybe even the Greens.  Why?  The banks fucked up, Labour just did too little too late.  The Torries started PFI, Labour where too shy to stop it.  Any Government would have gone to war, it just wasn’t their call.  Labour are the only party that show they want to support working people to support the needy.  See “The eedy and not so needy” for my take on… the needy and not so needy.