Monthly Archives: September 2012

Squatter Jailed Under New Law

ASS press statement 27/9/12   Today is a sad day. A young man has been jailed for living in an empty property.   Presumably, like many thousands of people trying to live in London, he couldn’t find somewhere more secure, … Continue reading

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The first 3 weeks of S144

News is dribbling in of use of the new anti-squat law, through various routes. Some police forces have tweeted their use of the law but with no confirmation, some councils have proudly announced being the first to use it, all … Continue reading

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Fighting LASPO S144

Section 144 of the LASPO bill came into effect on September the 1st, making squatting in residential buildings a criminal offence. The Advisory Service for Squatters has produced new legal warnings for squatters, including one for  non-residential buildings and a … Continue reading

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