About Us

Food Not Bombs first started in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1980 by a group of anti-nuclear activists. Over 30 years later the movement now has hundreds of chapters across Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Australia and the Americas.

Food Not Bombs is democratically run, meaning there are no official leaders and everyone is included in decision making. We aim to collect good edible food that would have otherwise have made it to landfill and turn it into vegan and vegetarian food (We cannot take meat for health reasons).
The fresh food is distributed for free to anyone and we also hope to provide fresh vegan food to protests and other events.

New chapters of FNB were set up in major cities around the world after the arrest of 9 volunteers in San Francisco in 1988. These volunteers were arrested for making political statements, and support for nonviolent social change is one of the core values of Food Not Bombs. Since then Food Not Bombs groups all over the world have been among the first to provide good quality wholesome food to surivivors of disasters and were actively helping after the events of the 9/11 World Trade Centre attacks, as well as Hurricane Katrina and the Asian Tsunami.

Food Not Bombs is dedicated to providing free meals to everyone with no exceptions. We hope to provide free food for those most in need and will work to have a presence helping at protests and events.

We will always uphold the belief that ‘food is a right, not a privilege’.

For more information about Food Not Bombs as a movement, our aims, values and the state of global food waste, take a look at our links page, Or, visit the international Food Not Bombs website:
