Myths of Capitalism

Improving Conditions

There is a tendency for the faithful to attribute all advancements in society to the effects of capitalism over the last 200+ years. While there are many benefits that may be attributable to the economic system of capitalism, the reality is a bit more nuanced. For many people, life is favourably compared to previous societies despite capitalism. Like all societal set-ups, the outcome can appear like complete freedom for the ones at the top. Within many societies, capitalism was imposed upon them leading to deaths of despair and widespread impoverishment. Others saw improved conditions, while many groups vacillated between material ascension then descension.

The flow of material goods by region and time, fluctuates and any improvements in living conditions can easily degenerate into inhospitable conditions through the same processes of capital accumulation. I’ll explore many facets of what constitutes an improvement for people and where to find these through various times and areas in the world. Investigating if it can be consistently attributed to the social economic system of beliefs, known as capitalism.


Has capitalism led to increased life and vitality for humans?