Water Fights? That’s a Serious Crime!


Earlier this week, a 20 year old man was arrested under the Serious Crime Act (2007) for attempting to organise a 1000 person water fight in Colchester. This

Colchester Town Centre is a Fun Free Zone!

leads us at The Spectre to one of two conclusions… either water pistols have been re-branded as offensive

weapons (in which case you better get on the phone and report those kids in the garden next door!) or that Colchester has become a town where fun just isn’t allowed unless you’re paying for it. If this was SchNews, we’d probably have to lable this as our crap arrest of the week!


Any more info on this story greatly appreciated – do you know who was organising the event? Were you planning to attend? If so, get in touch, we’d like to talk!


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One Response to Water Fights? That’s a Serious Crime!

  1. Panda says:

    I was planning to attend

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