The Spectre is a local monthly newspaper for activists, campaigners and radicals in and around Colchester. We’re an alternative to the mainstream media – their views are not ours and only reflect the views of their rich and privileged owners anyway. We’re independent – we don’t have commercial backers or ties to political parties, so we don’t care what they want us to say. We’re radical – we want to question all established authority and we support emancipatory struggles.
We think organisation should be horizontal – we don’t want or need leaders and when everyone has an equal say, we can really achieve things together! That’s why we organise ourselves in a non-hierarchical way – anyone involved in the paper can have chance to shape it. We hold meetings twice a month so our readers can come along and get stuck in to.
We want to draw links between struggles for justice, freedom and a better world both globally and locally – because radical social change starts at home! We want to unite local groups and provide a space for them to tell people what they’re up to – each month we publish a list of radical events and meetings happening in and around Colchester. If you want to get involved, write a piece for us or ask us to promote your event, contact us at
We also think that information should be free and that bringing people together is it’s own reward. That’s why we’re not a profit making paper – we pay for printing ourselves and only ever ask for a donation towards the paper – anything we get will go straight back into keeping it going. There’s no bonuses being paid to our editors, trust us!