Tag Archives: Greece

Riots in Athens, how do they work? – Full Text

Here is the full text of the article that appeared in an edited form in Issue 2 of The Spectre. See the comments section below for debate & discussion! The situation in Greece is rapidly escalating in a state of … Continue reading

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Greek Police Brutality – 29 June 2011

Click here to watch

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Debtocracy – alternative solutions to the debt

http://www.debtocracy.gr/indexen.html The documentary describes and explains the origins of the financial crisis that is hitting Greece the hardest, amongst peripheral countries such as Portugal, Spain and Ireland. It also provides solutions the financial crisis caused by the neoliberal policies of … Continue reading

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Greece Leads the Way (again…)

Just days before the UK is due to see it’s largest scale industrial action in decades, with approximately 800,000 workers going on strike on June 30th, Greece has erupted in a 48 hour general strike. Again! The strike has been … Continue reading

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