Tag Archives: Justice

Dale Farm in Flames

Scenes of disgusting pre-meditated violence erupted at Dale Farm yesterday as thugs, armed and clearly looking to cause trouble and harm, attacked. Armed with clubs and stun guns, they forcibly entered the travelers site while several of their number distracted … Continue reading

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Water Fights? That’s a Serious Crime!

  Earlier this week, a 20 year old man was arrested under the Serious Crime Act (2007) for attempting to organise a 1000 person water fight in Colchester. This leads us at The Spectre to one of two conclusions… either … Continue reading

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Duggan Didn’t Shoot

The IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Commission) announced yesterday the findings of it’s investigation into the shooting of Mark Duggan on Thursday 4th of August and they make some disturbing reading. It turns out that the hand gun found at the … Continue reading

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Tottenham Burns – Anti-police Fury on the Streets of London

When the police shot 29 year old Mark Duggan dead on Thursday night, they couldn’t have expected the anger they would un-leash. Perhaps they picked the wrong man to kill, perhaps people have just seen too many police killings with … Continue reading

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Lord Hanningfield at Her Majesty’s Pleasure

Sometimes it looks like the guilty always walk free (as long as they can pay up that is), but every now and then, the Justice system has to throw us all a bone to stop us getting stark-raving furious and … Continue reading

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